The curse

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This was his last day, one day before everything would be revealed.

Skull knew what he involved himself in, he thought about it alone when he was in his room. His thoughts lead him to his past memories, he slowly let down his fake persona as he returned for once to his long nearly lost one.

The one who was drowning, doing stunt made him forget that fact, which was nice. Now, he felt more like flying, being a free bird. And having a mask made him forget even more what he was before.

Maria told him a long time ago during one of his lesson, that some people may forget their original personality. When Maria said that, Skull looked at him, he saw a deep emotions in his eyes, Skull noticed a small change before it disappeared. As if he was talking about himself, Skull didn't press that matter and continued to listen to the rest of the lesson.

The Skull who was drowning and still was, only laid there on the bed unwilling to make a move. It felt as if he was one with the bed, as if his bed was telling him to laid down and not get out.

He felt heavy. He almost forget how he really felt with Maria, this person filled the lonely part of his heart, he knew that Maria told him not to get attached too much emotionally. But it was hard when it was someone who taught you everything.

He sighed before sinking deeper in his thoughts.

Maybe one day it would be his turn to forget his previous face, and to fill this empty personality of his, he will eventually create more and more mask until he can't distinguish which one was his real one.

Skull then thought about his future that would be surely wasted by the curse, but Luce informed him that even if she could dream about the future. Sometimes, it changed, so that could also mean that there was a chance of surviving.

He didn't know why he accepted her request, raising a child was something he was not ready for. But what else could he have done?

But he already made his decision, making another path to open to him. He could have refuse and return to his old life as a stuntman, but strangely he felt the need to stay. Curiosity over security he decided to chose, his flames were like telling him to do it.

If he were to die, he decided that he already fulfilled most of his life achievements because the curse would stay a long time with him, so he would make sure to enjoy the time he got. And if he were to live, he still doesn't know what he would do.

He could always decide in the future, for now on it was the last day. Luce informed him that tomorrow was the day, he felt strangely unnerved of what he would face tomorrow.

He slowly close his eyes, and sighed before falling asleep.

Tomorrow was a big day.

"So this is the supposed curse" Skull muttered as he slowly got up while trying to regain his balance.

Luce smiled sadly at the rest of the arcobaleno who were shocked to see their new appearance that was a baby. They all felt anger, betrayal and surely many more negative emotions toward their sky whom they trusted. Skull just felt acceptance as he knew the consequences beforehand, he had the time to digest it.

He watched as the other left Luce all alone, their bond with their sky who betrayed them was small. It didn't shatter but it didn't grew stronger. Only Skull stayed with Luce, he knew that she had to do it for the future generations. It was selfish, but this world was selfish as well anyway.

They were the one who accepted being part of the group, and they should have been also prepared that betrayal could be found at unexpected moment as well.

"They left" Skull states as he switched to the more mischievous mask.

"I can see that, even Kawahira left us." she said as she looked at the rocks surrounding them.

"How many time you have left?" Skull asked as he looked at Luce.

"Knowing that the pacifier suck on the flames, and it does even more when we are in our adult form. I guess I will have at least six years left." Luxe explained as she patted her stomach with care.

"Such a foolish decision~." Skull answered as he looked away from her.

"Not like I had other choices. And so, aren't you going as well?"  Luce said as she assumed he wanted to leave as well immediately.

"I will stay for a bit before I will go and travel for some times. There has been places I wanted to visit~." He said as he smiled at the thought of travelling.

"I see..." She said as let go of her round stomach to massage her face from the tiredness.

"Do you have regrets?" Skull asked with a smile that never leave his face.

"If I said I didn't have any it would be a lie, most of the people have regrets. So of course I do." Luce explained as she continued to massage her face which relaxed her a bit.

"Did you know that strong emotions would lead to bad or good things?" Skull said as he poked his chubby cheeks.

"Yes, who doesn't know that." She said as she let go of her face and go for her shoulder.

"Anyway when will you give birth?" Skull asked with a glint of interested in his eyes.

"In two months." She smiled sincerely at him.

"You know, not that I wanted you dead but I thought you would be leaving me with a baby behind." Skull said as he sighed in relief.

"I should at least stay with my daughter and love her until I can't and leave this world." Luce said with some amusement.

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