Chapter 2: Bacons? Uncle?

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I ran non stop, the cold breeze of the night hits my face throughout my whole body.

The rustling of leaves, the creaking of branches, crickets chirping, frogs croaking, I could hear it all together as one, and it feels like inches away from my ear
I just ignored it and continue running

'whatever you feel, don't stop, don't look back' My mother's voice echoed inside my head

I learn from experience, why I have to be prepared both physically and mentally cause being a wolf is no joke.

Like your being transferred from a body your not used to. It changes everything, and I mean EVERYTHING

Your hearing are very sensitive and sounds could be heard from a kilometer away, your sight that enhances your vision at night, and your sense of smell that could detect a dead frog a few yards.... ugh.. yuck

And I'm not really used to run on fours so I stumble here and there..

This sucks... who thought being a wolf is this difficult and stressful...

Just moments ago, I've been dreaming of becoming one, yet here I am, complaining...


I came up to this beautiful lake, the moon shines so bright reflecting at the lake giving this sparkles and glimmering like glitters

I'm so thirsty from all that running, I took a dri~ wait, how am I suppose to drink it?

Should I sip? Slurp? Ughh... how do wolves drink water?!? being a wolf with a long snout ain't easy

I looked upon a deer just across the lake licking the water...

'Ohh... Is that how its done?' I lick the water slowly and I am drinking water

'So thats how its done I suppose..'

I learn from experience...

As I clenched my thirst, I looked at my reflection in the water, I thought that this is not yet my wolf form, its the same as my mum's, light gray

I wonder what mine looks like...
My mom guessed that it will be white with a hint of black

Speaking of mom, she never really told me what would I do in this woods, she just told me to run

I remember my dad saying that he already contacted 'him' and not to worry

I wonder who's 'him'?

Just then I felt something terrible inside my chest, like something is coming out, ripping me apart inside out.

I dropped down to the ground as I started to breath heavily and I am slowly losing my consciousness

'Is the effects wearing down?' Just as I was about to close my eyes I sense danger...

No it was something else, another living presence

'Ssssss.....' I saw a giant snake coming towards me... I want to get up but I can't, I felt like my bones in my chest were shattered

I'm gonna die am I? Well at least I don't have any regrets though... I experienced what it is like to become a wolf and I have to admit it, I love every seconds of it even though I stumble and fall most of the time

I could feel it just inches away from my nose, but I smell a strong scent, and its not coming from the snake... more like another me

I then slowly drifted to Dreamland

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