
443 25 0

yoongi's thighs😫😫

participants: agustd, rm, jiminandoutburger, goldencloset


agustd: do any of y'all know a guy called jhope?
agustd: wait
agustd: who removed my admin again
agustd: wait
agustd: who changed the name again

jiminandoutburger: wasn't me, swear🙊🙊

rm: not me

agustd: jeon mcfucking jungkook i can see you reading these messages

goldencloset: iT wAsNT mE

rm: on another note
rm: yeah, i know of him. why?

agustd: he keeps messaging me
agustd: i think he's trying to say 'hey suga' but he keeps spelling it wrong

jiminandoutburger: oof yoongi thats tuff luv x

goldencloset: jimin stop
goldencloset: i'm begging you

jiminandoutburger: sos xo
jiminandoutburger: but seriously tho
jiminandoutburger: i'm pretty sure he's friends with tae
jiminandoutburger: i could try and talk to him on monday?
jiminandoutburger: but it doesn't help that we don't know what jhope looks like so he might go to the same college as me and i wouldn't know

rm: yeah try and ask him if he knows jhope
rm: yoongi?

goldencloset: i think he fell asleep

HEY SUGARDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora