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*Unpredictable's pov*
Bored. Bored. Bored. Oh look a lamp- Bored. Bored. Bored. I didn't know what to do today- I got up from the comfy couch I was sitting on to get something to eat- as I was digging through the fridge while the intercom came on. Great's voice was cold and deep as always.

"[OPERATIVE] Unstable. [OPERATIVE] Unpredictable. to my office."

He said over the intercom-

I panicked hearing my name- I immediately stepped out and rushed over-

"Did I do something wrong?? I swear I did nothing!"
I said aloud panicking-

*Unstables pov*
I was speaking to Radiant about what is the best type of bread,


"Honestly all types of bread are good!"


Great's voice came on in the intercom, always deep and cold.

"[OPERATIVE] Unstable. [OPERATIVE] Unpredictable. To my office."

I was confused on why [SUPREME LEADER] Great was calling me to his office-
but I got there in a second.

*Unpredictable's pov*
As I went inside I saw Unstable. He was twitching. He seemed nervous which I understand. Why would Great call us to his office? Did we do anything?

As I was standing beside Unstable, at the corner of my eye I saw a baby Albert in the corner. Always happy and playing with blocks on the floor. Every time Great brings him outside everyone would always try to hang out with Albert. I can't judge them. He is cute.

I was startled by Great's voice,

"Do you know why I brought you both here?"

Both me and Unstable shook our head. But I felt as if we did something horrible and we're about to get punished.

"I will be going out for a couple days. I would appreciate if you both took care of Albert for me while I am gone. I'm afraid to bring him with for he might get hurt."

My eyes widened. I realized I had to take care of Albert, WITH Unstable? Out of all people why Unstable? I would much rather like to take care of Albert alone.

I picked up Albert from the corner

"Yes sir..we'll take good care of him."

*Unstable's pov*


As I was speaking Unpredictable already left- I chased after him following behind.

"We can split here."


"I don't care. go away."

Unpredictable closed the door. Leaving me outside. I don't understand why he hates me so much, Albert was OUR responsibility after all.

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