Day 3: Finding Out

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Tyler was walking around the park, opening time hours away yet. The park opens at 10:00am, and the janitors come in at eight, and it was 7am.

Tyler made sure everyone was in their places- but when he was on his way to Deadlox's funhouse, he saw blood drops, seemingly led scrape straight to the fun house.

When he got there, was Deadlox, but he was sitting sloppily, and there was blood on his back, and blood was in, going down his front side.

Fuck, I should've known...

Tyler frowned.

So that's what Bodil was trying to hide.

He thought it mustn't have been too bad, but this proved otherwise. Tyler didn't want Bodil coming back the next day, but he knew Bodil was probably asleep, so he decided to call him at 2 PM probably.

He sighed and looked down at his phone. 


Bodil groaned as he woke up to his phone ringing. He picked it up.

"W-What..." Bodil said, voice cracking.

"Bodil?" A familiar voice said. Bodil cleared his throat and sighed.

"Yes? Bodil here," Bodil said.

"Oh, hey, it's Tyler, I didn't know it was you."

"Listen," Tyler said. "I saw the blood. I dont want you coming in tonight."

Bodil's eyes widened. "But Ill be fine!" He said. "I promise! Its just a little scratch!" Bodil begged. Bodil had no idea why he was begging- he didnt really want to go back. Ever.

"Care to explain why there was blood all over the place then?"

"Possibly a kid tripped yesterday?"

"I didnt see a speck yesterday."

(I was going to put something REALLLLY dirty here, so be thankful.)

"Tell me, Bodil." Tyler said. "Fine, Deadlox clipped my arm, but Ill be fine! I promise!" Bodil said.

"I dont-"


"Fine- but Im going in with you tonight." Tyler sighed, and hung up.

Why did I fight so hard? I dont need or want this job. Bodil sighed. He slowly got up and yawned. He tried to pick up something- anything- in his right hand, but nothing would stay for more than a second before he dropped it from the pain shooting up his arm.

He sighed agian, and got changed into a orange, yellow, and black stripped hoodie. He did the things he did every morning, and then sat down to eat cereal.

He ate it slowly- for some reason, he didnt have much of an appitite. But he still managed to get it all down. It was around 3pm, though. Bodil walked outside, wandering aimlessly. He walked into someone afterwards.

"Sorry!" Bodil said. "Wasnt looking where I was going."

"Its fine!" A familar voice said. Bodil looked down at the fallen person, as the person looked up.

"Oh, hey there Ghost!" Bodil rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hey Bodil." Ghost said, brushing himself off and standing up. Bodil pulled his hood over his head, with his left arm.

"How are you?" Ghost said.


"Good, how about you?"

"Pretty good!" Ghost said. "Long time no see!" he said.

Ghost's voice had deepened since Bodil last saw him, which was around 12, when Ghost had to move away for a while.

"Yeah, about 6 years ago?" Bodil said. The shadow the light was making from the hood on Bodils hood made Bodil seem more mysterious. It honestly freaked Ghost out a bit, the male was only used to Bodil laughing, kidding around and such.

Bodil cleared his his throat. "Well, I best be going!" Bodil said, and Ghost replied, "Yeah, see you soon!"

Ghost watched as Bodil walked off, but white gauze on Bodils wrist caught his eye.

I hope  hes okay... I wonder what happened to him...


Bodil walked to the park that day, he had left around 9:30pm for some reason, and he wasnt surprised when he got there at 10, when the park wouldnt close for about an hour. He tried to decided of he should go get some food, or just wait.

About 10 minutes later, he decided to stop by the late night McDonalds across the street. He ordered a 10 piece Chicken McNugget meal, with a large Coke. It still took him an hour to eat it, then he wandered back to the park, it now being around 11:30, and the park now closed.

Tyler was the last person to leave- well, he didnt even have to, technically. Bodil was leaning against a wall near the gate, and Tyler saw Bodil holding his right arm, seemingly covering it up, although Tyler could still see the white gauze. Bodil was staring off into space.

"Bodil?" Tyler said. "Hm?" Bodil said, interrupted from his thoughts.

"Oh hey!" He said, standing straight up, moving his arm down, and Tyler could see the missing/torn part of Bodils sleeve, although it looked like it want all the way down his arm(It was technically a 3/4 sleeve) because of the gauze, and it went all the way down onto his arm, tying off around his thumb.

Tyler couldnt see Bodil's orange hazel eyes, since he was wearing a dark pair of sunshades, even though it was night. But Tyler could tell Bodil was looking at his robotic arm, and Tyler suddenly sorta felt self consious, and moved his arm, and Bodils head moved up.

"Hey Bodil, how are you doing?" Tyler asked with no thought. 

"Good!" Bodil lied. His arm was KILLING him. 

"Thats good. We should go in."


And thats where night 3 began.


O.O How did I manage to make it so long! I WAS PLANNING JUST TO DO THE PHONE CALL NOW ITS 900 (1000+ Including this note XD) WORDS HOW

And im sorry this is so late going out- I cant write it during school cause I almost got caught yesterday and Thursday XD


Guess what I was for halloween this year? SECURITY GUARD TYLER HELL YEAH

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ANd thanks for 300+ reads on this! I love you all! :D


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