Chapter Twelve

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      Hunter was the first person Zoe called when she got the job on campus. After the showdown at the frat party, the accusation laid out and Malcolm Lawson taken off by the police, things had fallen apart. The college officially closed the fraternity and everyone became scattered. Finals week happened, Hunter anxiously waited for his grades to be posted online, and he had spent a week staying at Zoe's apartment before he went back to the Catskills. Watching him leave, hearing him promise that everything was going to be alright and that they would stay together no matter what, left Zoe with a wound across her heart. Every time she took a breath, a painful loneliness overcame her. Why had she become so obsessed with a romantic relationship? It was as if reason had completely abandoned her those past few weeks.

      Without Tandi leaving a word either way, Zoe started to overthink. Sam tried to calm her down but was already busy helping Brick find a new placement at college. The two had become very close. In a way, Zoe could admit to herself, she had become jealous of the two of them. Sam could be with Brick without having to say goodbye. Hunter was a few hours away in the Catskills with only the odd weekends to visit each other. If she got the call, if she got the job, she knew she would have to stay near Bradleigh to prepare for the upcoming fall semester. The world itself seemed to pull apart the strong bond she had formed with Hunter once he was found in the woods.

      When the call came from Tandi and the job was hers, Zoe jumped in excitement. Finally she would have a purpose and a career she would look forward to. She could leave her job as a transcriptionist, pack up her desk, and spend time doing what she loved best. She would also live closer to campus so Hunter could be with her all the time. She called him immediately and barely allowed him a word in response. She told him the details of the job, the surprising pay she would get, and that it was grant-funded. It was only approved for the next school year but the potential was there for future grant coverage. It was an opportunity she had always dreamed of. Hunter was initially happy for her but seemed distant at the same time. He lacked all of the charm and confidence she had come to know about him.

    "I thought you'd be more exicted that we're both at Bradleigh next year", she said curiously, "but is the closing of the frat still bothering you?"

    "I wish that was it", Hunter groaned. 

    "You can tell me anything."

    Hunter sighed loudly, "Well I can't keep it from you forever. It's my father. He was released yesterday and cleared of charges."

    "WHAT?!", Zoe cried out.

    Hunter spoke soothingly, "He won't bother you if that's what you're worried about. I called him when I found out and clarified that. He knows I'll protect you and that it was all my idea."

    "It was technically a collaborative effort", Zoe replied, "but I appreciate the chivalry. I'm just a little shaken by it. With the evidence they have, how could they possibly release him?"

    "That's the thing, isn't it? We don't actually HAVE any evidence of him committing a murder or even conspiring for it", he said sadly, "just a journal that highlights he had an affair with a student that accused the fraternity. He's on the board, which is now dissolved, and won't be allowed to participate in any Greek Life functions. It's all shit now for him."

    "And you don't think he'll retaliate?", Zoe sounded doubtful.

    "I'm hoping he won't try because I don't want to hurt him. But let's be clear about one thing...if he comes after you, he'll have to deal with me", Hunter said.

    "You're a few hours away for the summer", she reminded him.

    "Here's the good news...I had a few ideas that I bounced off of Lee and my mom here. They seem good with it and I wanted to surprise you", Hunter's voice picked up.

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