Chapter 3 Helping Hands all Around

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"Now, lets see, " Oceans mumbled to herself as she walked around with a map in her hands as she continued to scan the area for any indication for the collectible she was looking for

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"Now, lets see, " Oceans mumbled to herself as she walked around with a map in her hands as she continued to scan the area for any indication for the collectible she was looking for. 

You see one of her favorite past times [when she actually have it] is to check the areas she's in for any type of collectible she can add to her ever growing collection of rare flowers or heirlooms that her sources have either lead her too or simply from rumors here and about.

"Dang, still nothing," she mumbled as she closed her map and whistled for her horse Tankie, since she wanted to try moving to a location that would give her a better view of the area so that maybe she would have more luck in finding her treasure.

"Ahh, Ms. Auray. I didn't expect to see ya, this fine morning," Came the ever familiar voice of Oceans's favorite cowboy, which instantly made her happy that she chose to wear one of her finer dresses for today.

"Ahh, well if it isn't Mr. Morgan, what a wonderful surprise!" She exclaimed with a bright smile as she turned toward the man who sat perched on top of his horse, who tipped his hat one he saw he had her attention.
"I'm just trying to look for a flower believe it or not."

"A flower?" Arthur asked with confusion before scanning the area causing Oceans to quickly add.

"Not just any flower, a rare one, a blood flower to be exact."

"Ahh, a collector I see," Arthur said before,  to Oceans surprise, moving off his horse and hitching the beast and moving towards Oceans, all while she blushed and tried to ask him what he's doing even though she had a good idea what.
"Well, come on. I can tell you've been here for a while and need the help, so come on." He said with a grin as he gestured towards the map that was still in her hands, which she did hand over with a pout and a few choice words which earned her a chuckle.

"Well, I hope you have more luck then I did," Oceans said as she crossed her arms as she waited to hear what he had to say.

"Ahh, see that's yer problem," he said after a moment before turning the map towards Oceans and continuing. "Your in the right area, just the wrong location. Lucky for you I'm heading back that way anyway so I can take you too it," he finished with a smile before pausing and then quickly adding with a blush, "I...I mean if you want me too."

"I would love that Mr. Morgan," Oceans said with a giggle which only seemed to make Arthur turn pinker in the ears. 

With only a quick but shy nod Arthur handed the map back to Oceans then quickly got back on his horse with Oceans doing the same, before heading off towards East Grizzlies which wasn't to far from Oceans Cabin by Cotorra Spring.

"So, Mr. Morgan, I never got to ask what you'r doing around these parts, hmm," Oceans commented in a teasing voice as they made their way towards their destination.

"Oh, nothing much. Recently me and another was up in these parts to hunt some legendary bear that was roaming the area. Unfortunately it got the jump on us and managed to get away, now I'm here to try it again," Arthur replied causing Oceans to nod in understanding.

"Well I hope you bag that bear. He's been a pain for the longest of times," Oceans said which caught is attention.

"I take it, he's not that popular in these parts," Arthur said which Oceans nodded to with a sigh.

"You would be right. To tell you the truth you would be doing me and the locals a huge favor. That bear is nothing but trouble and I've seen people go and try to bring it down, but well I guess you know how it turned out for them." Oceans said which Arthur nodded to.

"So, Ms. Auray what kind of tips you have?" Arthur asked since he had a feeling that she would know the best way of dealing with the creature.

"Oh, um, well I have some equipment that could help you bring it down more easily and safely since that bear can take a lot of punishment so you will have to have something that can do a lot of damage." Oceans said which Arthur silently agreed to since he remembered how when he first encountered the bear it seemed to shrug off the bullets he shot from his revolver so there was definitely truth in he words.

"Well if you are offering I'm will to take as much help I can get," Arthur said with a chuckle, not really minding the help since even he would admit he is going to need it.  

"Well I have not only some good improved arrows and a couple of boxes of express ammo and slugs that would be a lot of help in bring it down quicker without damaging the bear's coat that much," Oceans said as she moved to get said things but Arthur stopped her. 

"Not, that I don't want the ammunition but if I remember correctly I have to first help you find that flower," Arthur said with a kind smile that had Ocean's heart skipping a beat.

"Yeah, I think you do."

Well hope you like it, the next chapter will be up soon!
Thank you to those that's still reading this and I hope to see you in the next chapter!! 
Oh and if you like this check out my other story! 

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