It was a normal day in the Avengers' tower, everyone was minding his own business —Tony and Bruce were in the lab, Steve, Natasha and Clint were at the training ground while Thor was at his brother's side, watching a movie named Despicable Me. A group of yellow creatures, that are very stupid in Loki's opinion, only wanted to follow a leader, an evil leader.  

It Started with someone saying 'Minions. Minions have been on this planet far longer than we have. They go by many names. Dave, Carl, Paul, Mike. Oh, that one is Norbert. He's an idiot. They're all different, but they all share the same goal. To serve the most despicable master they could find.'

Loki was laughing throughout the whole movie and he really loved it— definitely one of his favorite movies. 

Thor was sitting beside his brother, simply enjoying his time with his brother. It has been a long time since they sat together like that—maybe before his coronation. It was the day that ruined everything. If only he listened to Loki, gave him a chance to say his opinion, but no, Thor back then didn't listen to anybody— only doing what was in his own mind. 

"Thor." Loki's voice snapped Thor out of his thoughts and he didn't notice that he had spaced out, looking at the screen in front of him, but not actually watching it. 

"Yes, brother." He said, turning his attention on Loki who had tears in his eyes from how much he had laughed. 

"Perhaps I could ask mother if she could allow us to bring movies to Asgard?" He said excitedly, his mother wouldn't refuse and she would convince the All-father. Besides, he wanted his mother to see all of these movies.

"Of course, brother. You can ask her." Thor said. "And I am sure that when we return to Asgard, you will be returned back to your older self." He hoped that they will find this sorcerer, their uncle Freyr and their mother and even the Seiðr users were trying to find a solution. And add to that, they were preparing for Thanos. 

"I will still watch them with her." Loki said and Thor imagined his brother at his real age watching cartoons with their mother—maybe he will join them— and Thor laughed at the image in his head. "But, Thor. Could you tell me what I did when I was older?" Loki asked, looking at Thor with a hopeful look on his face. "Was I a hero like you?"

Did the All-father accept me? Loki was left unspoken. 

Thor felt his heart break at the look on Loki's face. He swallowed, trying to find an answer to his brother's question. Maybe he could pour his heart out to tell him everything he wanted — everything that he doubts Loki would listen to him or believe him when he is older. Even if the Loki in front of him wouldn't understand, he hoped that the older Loki would remember all his words. 

"Loki—" he feared the words wouldn't come out, would get stuck in his throat and he would never say them to his brother. He took a deep breath. "Loki, I thought the world of you—" he said and at Loki's frown, he continued. "And I still think the world of you. You are my brother, my best friend. My whole world. I would do anything for you, even going against the world." (—If they are in your interest and wouldn't harm others. Was left unsaid.)

And Loki didn't know why his brother was telling him this because he was sure that Thor loves him and no need to tell him that. But before Loki says anything, Thor continued —

"We fought side by side in many battles and I think that we would stay fighting like this forever." 

I hope so — Thor thought. Please, let it be like that. I don't want to fight on the opposite side of yours. I don't want to lose you again. Thor wanted to tell his brother this, but he didn't. 

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