Chapter 15: Getting Started

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A few days after the time with Mary's mother, Sally came to the door of her friend's room. She knocked. Mary's voice replied, "Come in."

After opening the door, Mary saw her and smiled, "Hi, you! I take it that things are going great on what you shared with me the other day?"

With a smile, "It's doing a lot better than expected. President Obama, Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada, and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Australia are already here. Your Master is giving them a tour. You'll be officially talking to them in a few days."

She was happy she was sitting down. She replied in shock, "What?! I wasn't expecting a formal communication with the leaders of Earth this soon."

"First, it isn't a formal greeting; you don't have to dress up in any fancy outfit you royal people wear."

Not paying attention Mary was flabbergasted on how fast things are moving in getting Earth and U'Vinuduo together.

"Want to know something, your highness..."

Mary scolded her, "You don't have to call me that since this isn't a formal meeting."

Sally showed frustration, "Bloody hell! You better get used to all of us calling you that now and when things are in hyper-drive."

Mary sighed, "If they are here, then things are moving even faster. I wasn't expecting things to move this fast."

She looked disappointed, "Poor booboo."

"What do you mean?" Mary said with a huff.

"With you bringing the kids to Earth and to one of the biggest petting zoos in the United States of America. What about the news having them in schools around the world? How fast did you expect things to go?" She paused, "It seems you're the only goofball... and a royal goofball at that... thinking everyone will spin silly mix hate for their new neighbors."

For the first time, Mary relaxed and smiled, "This isn't normal. You know America and the rest of the world are still in prejudice mode with each other."

"All that has been happening lately isn't from Earth. They are from U'Vinuduo."

"Oh my God! You are right. What am I thinking?"

Sally walked closer to her friend and said, "Now, you are thinking correctly. What you may have done in the ancient past of this world, you can only live one life — this one. This is Earth's first time interacting with living beings from another world..."

"That is right, you said Master Aqpha is giving them a tour — WOW!"

She gave her a big smile and said, "They seemed to enjoy it too. Because of the translator in their heads, their interpreters, who were with them, were enjoying everything too."

Mary had to laugh at that one. She said, "If I was the one that found these life forms, translating for everyone, then I must have realized every nation would need them not to communicate with everyone on U'Vinuduo but for themselves."

"I am not surprised one damn bit either."

She remembered something, "DAMN! I'll have to cancel the..."

"Nonsense, Your Majesty. Since this isn't a formal meeting, Jill will take your place here while you are on Earth. I was here to tell you the great news."

Mary laughed again, "That is a big ass understatement of the universe, Sally."

"I'll be going with you by the order of your wife. Since I'm into diplomacy I'll help you deal with all you will be facing." She paused, "You aren't going to do this on your own."

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