Mr. Garroway counted us all and since we were complete, we left the hotel. Again we walked and didn't take the bus. Luckily it wasn't that hot this time. There was this wind which was cool. It seemed like it would rain soon.

My thoughts were again with Magnus. I'm wondering what he will do when I left. What if he finds someone better? As I thought about that, my heart hurt.

„What are you thinking about?" someone next to me asked. I looked to my left and there stood Lydia again. Oh yeah, I told her I will explain it to her later on. I guess now is later on.

„Um, nothing special." I answered. That was a lie. Magnus is special, but I couldn't exactly tell her that I was thinking about Magnus finding someone better.

„So will you tell me now?" she asked curious. „I mean you told me that you guys are not talking anymore and now you visit him?" she asked. I shrugged. It escalated fast, I guess.

„Yeah, it's complicated." I said. Actually it wasn't that complicated but I wouldn't know how to explain. We kept walking until we arrived at the airport. We went to the hall while the teachers was checking for the flight. We still had time until we really have to leave.

„We have enough time." she said after some time. Shit, I guess I have to tell her. I sighed and we both sat down.

„Okay" I sighed. „I told you how we met, didnt I?" I asked and she nodded. „Okay, so you know, I liked Magnus a lot." I said and she nodded again.

„I know, I mean you guys were best friends, or are." she said but I shook my head. Wow it's hard to say it.

„You don't understand." I said and she looked at me confused. „I liked him more than that and when I told him, he didn't return these feelings." I said. Lydia seemed speechless. Of course, she didn't expect that.

„He told me that this couldn't work because he didn't want to date anyone. That was the night before he left and when he flew back, I was so hurt that I didn't want to talk to him anymore." I explained. She cleared her throat.

„So you are..." she started and I nodded. „Oh." she said. „And what happened when you came here?" she asked. I looked at her surprised. It didn't seem to bother her at all.

„I met is ex girlfriend Camille and told her some stuff. Magnus saw me and her and heard what I said. After that he messaged me to come outside the hotel and told me that he loved me too. He was just scared that I could break his heart." I explained and she just nodded.

„So are you two a couple now?" she asked and I nodded. She smiled and hugged me. I was surprised but I returned the hug. „I'm happy for you." she said. I breathed out in relief. She let go of me and I looked at her.

„The bad part about all that is that he lives here and I live in New York." I said a little sadly. „I already miss him and I wish I could say goodbye see him now." I said. Lydia smiled.

„Maybe you can." she said and I looked at her confused. „Turn around." she said and so I did. There I saw him. Magnus.

A smile formed on my lips. I stood up and went to him. I hugged him tightly and so did he.

„What are you doing here?" I asked happily and let go of him to look in his face.

„I wanted to see you again before you leave. Maybe I'm a bit needy." he said and I laughed. His hands lay on my hips and mine on his cheeks. His cheeks were a bit cold.

„So am I." I said. „I'm glad you are here." I said and he smiled. I felt the looks from the others but I didn't care. Most of them knew I was gay but I guess they were still confused.

„I will miss you so bad." he said and his eyes were filled with tears. Though he still smiled. Slowly I felt how tears came to my eyes as well.

„I will miss you more." I answered. I didn't want to let him go. I didn't want to leave him. It was so painful. „Promise me you will wait for me." I asked, now also with tears in my eyes.

„I promise." he said. I smiled and pulled him into a kiss, even though I knew everyone was looking at us. I pulled him close to me and he moved his lips against mine. I felt a tear running down my cheek. As we parted he smiled.

„It's not a goodbye, it's a see you soon." he said. I smiled.

„I love you." I whispered softly.

„I love you too, Alexander." he answered. Slowly I let go of him, because even the teachers were waiting. I turned around and took my suitcase. Before we left I turned around one last time to Magnus, who wiped his tears away. We both smiled sadly and then I left. I left him and we both have no idea when we will see each other again.

Hundred miles apart - another Malec StoryWhere stories live. Discover now