Chapter 5 - 'Please call my name.'

Start from the beginning

"Share," I said in a spoilt brat tone. She never glanced at me but I didn't miss her rolling her eyes.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked.

She ignored me. Seriously?

This is the first time a girl has ignored me.

She never really talked to anybody and I wanted to know the reason. The silent treatment was killing me and it took every fiber of my body to not grab her face and kiss her sensually right here.

"Why don't you speak to anybody"

She ignored me again. Feisty much? I like it. These questions were probably too personal for her so I asked her-

"Do you watch sponge bob square pant?"

What!? Seriously Dave? Is that the best you could think of? This is officially the weirdest conversation I have ever had. With a girl for that matter.

She turned towards me and glared at me trying to give me a warning to not disturb her again.

Well .... Who thought a cartoon would help me get her attention?

I took her notebook and saw her name written on it.

Oh! so it's 'Isabella Williams.'

I took her notebook and exchanged hers with mine when she wasn't looking so that I could get a chance to talk to her.

The bell rang and I noticed her doodles. I started smiling because I honestly never took her as a girl doing anything apart from studies.

She got embarrassed and snatched the notebook from me. She quickly got out of the class just to get rid of me.


But not so soon kitten.

I packed my bag and walked out. I saw her walking and followed her. I tapped her shoulder and she jumped. She had sweat beads on her forehead. She had this fearful expression on her face.

Did I scare her that much? Why was she so afraid of me?

"Hey, hey, it's me. Relax." The last thing I wanted to happen was her being scared of me.

"What?" she snapped

I didn't expect her to speak like that. All I have heard girls saying to me was 'hey baby' or 'hey sexy. Nobody and I mean nobody ever snapped back at me. Well, let's not talk about mom and dad now.

"I came to ask something." I thought of this as an opportunity to talk to her.

"Look if you ran out of girls then just fuck off. It's not the right time of the day and definitely not the right person either. If you came here to bully me and taunt me then save it for another time. I don't have the energy to deal with a punk-ass like you." she said in an annoyed tone.

And I felt as if someone just banged my heart with a hammer. Really hard!

How could she say that? Did she too think of me as a man whore?

I know the whole school thinks of me that way. I know it doesn't affect me when someone says it.

But why was her opinion bothering me so much? What the fuck is wrong with me?

I was so shocked by her response that I forgot to tell her the other reason I came for.

"What?!! No, fuck no! I came to ask whether you have my notebook because I have yours. It probably got exchanged in chem class." She immediately checked her bag and found my notebook.

Realization dawned upon her and she realized that she shouldn't have said that. I was still a little hurt though. The look in her eyes was however making me feel otherwise.

"I - I am-"

I didn't let her finish off that sentence. I knew she was sorry but let's work on making her feel more and more guilty. I smirked internally.

I love playing with innocents.

I shoved her notebook in her hands and took mine with a little force.

"Not everyone is like how you think or heard of them as." There goes another smooth move. I walked past her and went down the hall.

Please call my name.

Please call my name.

Please -

"Dave" she shouted and I smiled without looking in her direction.






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