Prologue: Meeting Madame Cleo and venture into the Great Hall

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As Xavier woke up the ghost sighed in a bit or relief, however they needed to take him to their protector. Once they made sure he was alright they took him to Cleo...

"Everyone look, he's awake!" shouted one ghost. "See I told you he'll be ready, however we've done our part...Cleo is waiting for him." the second ghost spoke softly as the others vanished.

"As you close your eyes in the night, you feel your soul deep with fright.

In this old manor there is history, but to save us all solve this mystery.

All awhile you pass the pictures slowly by, in these halls where spirits cry..." Xavier looked at a picture frame that seemed to be talking to him.

"Hello, Xavier...Don't speak I know more about you than you do yourself, I'm Madame Cleo...Protector of spirits and seer of the past. I see you came here for the job of assistance caretaker for the manor, however we couldn't just say haunted manor in need of help...then you wouldn't had the courage to come here.

This place has seen better times before that fiend Joseph came around, oh you don't know him do you...Well I will tell you his story. Joseph is a hunter that loves to collect souls for his own gain...Or should I say youth. However with the Townsmen learned about this they confronted him, some say that he vanished from their sights...However I think he made a deal with the devil to avoid death. As he stayed in the manor he twist rooms and corrupts good spirits, yet that doesn't mean we can beat him Xavier/

But there is more that I must inform you about my dear, the Brotherhood of Souls were able to seal his evil away with the Beacon of Souls...the same artifact that I have here. I've kept it here for safe keeping only taking it out when needed...I'm afraid we've reached that point. However that's not the only thing I have for you Xavier, the power that helps the Beacon purify souls are the Soul Gems.

Each gem has a specific power that will help you later on, however in order to keep them out of Joseph's hands I gave five of the gems to my ghostly helpers. I kept one for you to use during the mansion fights, however its not as strong as the other we must find the others and free them from his bindings. Joseph power will grow if we don't stop him Xavier, so please pick up my picture frame gently and lets get out of here." Xavier left the chamber feeling a bit scared.

As he entered the great hall it was dark and creepy, however with the beacon he had a little bit of light to work with. There was a light switch that he could turn of for a little light, suddenly a ghost like spirit appeared before the door...It looked like demonic spirit!

"Oh dear, that's an evil spirit! Quickly use the rapid shot to dispose of them, if your sly cut on the light switch and that will do away with them for good." Xavier did in fact do that.

As he cut on the lights the evil spirits disappeared quickly, however that wasn't the end for things in the great hall...the next job was about to begin.

"Good work, Xavier! Now with the lights one you wont be afraid anymore, but this will also show in your bravery or life meter upper left corner of the screen. Now it's time to find the confuses souls in this place, if you see objects strangely pulsing just prest the "X" button...You'll drive them out of hiding." Xavier jumped for a moment as the souls flew away.

After a few minutes he was able to collect all fifteen souls in the area, and with that the friendly spirits came out as if nothing happened. Xavier noticed on spirit hiding in the room where he met Madame Cleo, however once he interacted with him...he said something that scared him.

"Quickly hide, save yourself my friend! We have to escape this place before he finds us all, I hear something walking on four paws...The saber-tooth...The SABER-TOOTH!" Xavier stepped back for a moment, however Madame Cleo calmed him down.

"Now you know the terror the spirits face when you sense Joseph, however we dont have to to reflect on things now...You have enough souls to break Joseph's magical barrier. Once you break it we'll be able to explore more parts of the manor, but I must warn you know some enemies will be stronger each area that you unlock...Don't worry I'll help you along the way Xavier." Breaking the barrier Xavier and Madam Cleo ventured on.

However what they didn't know is that a strange monster was behind them, yet the next time we might be able to see what the monster was...

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