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What's this? Have I truly risen from the grave to deliver a sequel of sorts to my previous story? Why yes, I believe I have. And yes, this story is taking place during the Jack the Ripper DLC, with a few twists and turns of course. Now, this has been something I have been contemplating for a while now, considering when I completed my Jacob Frye x Reader story. There isn't much else to say, other than I hope you enjoy.

For twenty years, after the Assassin's defeated the Templars in London, the city enjoyed a certain peace. Until the Autumn of 1888. London is plunged into shadow and fear, by a series of gruesome and unsolvable murders. The brothels of Whitechapel seem warm and safe by comparison to its streets...where prostitutes are being mutilated and left on grotesque display for the world to ogle...Jacob Frye hunts the elusive killer to bring an end to the Terror of Jack the Ripper.

Jacob's POV

"Get a move on, Mr. Finch, this is the story of a lifetime." Mr. Weaversbrook said to this Mr. Finch.

"Mr. Weaversbrook, I know you have more of the Ripper's letters." I said the moment I approached them. I had to convince them to stop publishing the letters, one way or another.

"I told you to stay away from me..."

"Stop publishing his letters." I said as I gripped his arm, not too tight, but tight enough to hopefully get the message across. "You've turned an unknown miscreant into a legend – and that's exactly what he wants." Before he could reply, another voice spoke up.

"Jacob!" I looked towards where the voice was coming from and saw that it was Nellie. "Thank God I found you, it's the Ripper – he's done it again!" Nothing more was said as I turned away from Mr. Weaversbrook and followed Nellie to where the murder took place. Unfortunately, that damn reporter had followed us.

"Katey?" Nellie had said as she had a look at the Ripper's latest victim. "Oh, he can't, no, he can't have...And Lizzie. Not both, not in one night..." I couldn't bear to see the look on her face any longer. It was full of nothing but despair. I quickly pulled her away from the scene and handed her a purse.

"Nellie, remember what I said. Now go." With that said, she left the crime scene and fled into the night. I can only hope that the Ripper won't commit another murder tonight. With that out of the way, I activated my eagle vision to find clues to what exactly happened here, and any other clues as to what his game is.

"How many more Assassins must die before you see the truth?" I heard the voice of the Ripper speak.

"Only one more, Jack." I replied.

"You should have believed, Jacob...Now I will hunt you down." It was then that the chase began.

"I know you're there, Jack. The master of terror is afraid to show himself, is he?" I said as I looked all around me, trying to find just where he is hiding.

"I am your shadow, Jacob. I will gut every last one of them if that's the quickest way to you...Starting with your wife and (son/daughter)." My fury ignited. I will not let this monster hurt anyone else, especially my family. Hopefully (Name) and my son/daughter have gotten out of London. It has been a while since I have seen them now. If I'm lucky, they are away from here and the Ripper's terror.

"Come on, you monster, let's be done with this!"

"Run all you like, Jacob...I will catch you...I need only follow your scent...the scent of a wounded animal...There is nowhere you can hide from me."

Jack's POV

"Look sharp, lads! Someone just ran past sayin' there's a killer on his tail." 'Oh Jacob, you have doomed this poor man.' I thought as I walked up to the police officer and stabbed him in the back before turning him around and stabbing him in the torso multiple times. Was I done there? Of course not. I also slit him across the throat before chucking him to the ground. All I could hear were the screams of the people around me, and I relished in the sound. Nothing but fear radiated around the air, fear that I have invoked. Fear that will be the only thing people feel when I am done here.

"Stop! You want me, Jack? Come and kill me!" Were the words Jacob said, and nothing else was said, for the fight had begun. Steel clashed against steel, fists connected with faces and blood begins to shed, and I was living for it. "This is not our way."

"This is my Creed." Nothing else was said as Jacob begins to flee. "You cannot escape me." I activated my eagle vision and begin to follow his trail, only to see him escaping in a carriage. "Scurry back to your hole, little mouse." Was the last thing I said before disappearing into the shadows.

Jacob's POV

With what time I have left before that monster finds me again, I made it to the place where I have been staying. I can only hope he doesn't find me.

"Jacob?" The sound of my wife's voice reaches my ears, to which has me worried. She isn't meant to be here. 

"(Name), what on Earth are you doing here? You know it's not safe." I begin to say as I walked up to her with a worried look on my face. "And what about (Child's name)?" I couldn't help but ask, knowing my son/daughter is never too far from (Name) when I'm not around.

"(Child's name) is safe. He/she are not in London, not while that monster is here. He/she should be on the train to Crawley. As for me, I am here to help you." She said. While I am thankful that our child is safe, I worry for (Name's) safety. Before I could say anything else, I heard a crash and the sound of heavy footsteps making there way here, familiar footsteps.

"(Name), please hide and don't come out, no matter what you hear."

"Let me help you, Jacob. I refuse to let this monster take you from me." I couldn't help but quickly push her into the closest closet as I heard the footsteps getting closer now. "Jacob...please don't leave me..." I could see the hurt in her eyes, and we both knew that this was not going to end well.

"I love you, (Nickname)." I knew nothing else could be said at this point. This had to end, and I refuse to let her get hurt.

"I love you too, Jacob." I crashed my lips onto hers, though it felt bittersweet, before closing the door and walking away from it, not wanting for her to be discovered. Just as I was grabbing a few things, Jack appeared just before me, and the fight started up once again. I dodged attacks, while throwing my own in retaliation.

"Don't you see the irony, brother...?" He said as he pinned me down.


"Only you know who the 'Ripper' is...But you can't tell a living soul...because it would destroy you, and the Assassins." I pushed him off with all the strength that I could and ran for a nearby pistol. "No, no, no, NO!" Just before I could reach it, he pinned me down once again, grabbing the pistol for himself.

"Jack. We can fix you." I said in one last attempt to reach him.

"Fix ME? I am the solution. And don't worry, I'll make sure your wife is taken care of." Was the last thing I heard before he slammed the pistol down, then nothing but darkness.

Here we have the prologue, although a rather long one. But hey, you deserve it. I am still overwhelmed by all the love and support my other story has; it truly warms my heart to see. For those of you who might be wondering about the child, as this story does take place twenty years after London was freed, here is a little information as well as a little backstory.

Jacob and (Name) met when they were twenty years old
They have been together for twenty years, married for fifteen
They had son/daughter at twenty-four years old, making the child sixteen years old, who has taken to the life of an assassin

I hope that clears up any questions that you might have revolving around the child. I am undecided if the child will make an appearance, but who knows when it comes to me. I did make you wait fifty chapters before they finally kissed in the other story. And if you haven't read the story yet, 1) what are you doing reading this story and 2) oops, spoiler alert. That is all from me, until next time,

Soul xx

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