So Basically Fuck Caleb

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*Wow I'm productive today. For once the title actually has to do with the chapter and we also finally have Matthew's POV*

As soon as I closed the door I felt Caleb's hands on my waist.

"What was that about huh? 'I had fun today, Gilbert' I'm assuming you enjoyed your little date?"

"Caleb it wasn't a date. We walked around the town and he dropped me off." I said, removing Caleb's hands from my hips.

He snarled and spin me around, pinning me to the wall.

"Caleb! What are you doing!?" I yelled, trying to push him off.

"You can prove it to me then. Prove it wasn't a date."

"Get off of me! I'm not going to have sex with you just because you're jealous that I talk to people!"

Caleb growled and started tugging at the bottom of my shirt. I took the opportunity to shove him away from me.

"Caleb what is wrong with you?"

I grabbed my jacket and opened the door.

"What? Gonna run off with your new boyfriend? You're mine Matthew, mine! Whether you like it or not!"

"I can't be around you when you're acting like this! I'm going to Alfred's, come get me when you can handle the fact that I have friends!" I slammed the door before he could say anything else.

I made my way to the bus stop, Alfred's place was two hours away so it would be a while before I actually get there.

My phone started ringing in my pocket, I checked the caller ID to see Caleb's name.

I rolled my eyes and answered the call.

"Mathew come back this instant. I'm warning you!"

"Caleb I'll come back when you're  mature enough to not freak out and completely ignore my obvious 'no' just because I spent half a day with an old friend. No matter what you say I'm still going to talk to him!"

"Then you'll be gone for a long time, Matthew, because I'm not going to let that bastard ruin our relationship!"

Caleb hung up.

I pulled my knees into my chest and let out a sob.

Why was he like this? Why did he always have to do this to me? I was trying so hard to keep our relationship together but he kept doing this and getting mad at me for having friends.

I let myself cry, until my eyelids started to get heavy.

Alfred lived at the last stop, I could let myself sleep.

*Still Matt*

"-ir? Sir? You've reached the last stop, please wake up."

I woke up to see the bus driver standing over me with a concerned look on his face.

I yawned and sat up. "I'm sorry sir, thank you for waking me up."

"It's not a problem sir."

I left the bus and checked the time as it drove away.


Great, I should get there before midnight.

Of course I wasn't planning to stay with Alfred longer than a week, but making Caleb think I was going to take a long time would be more effective and would hopefully help him learn his les.

I finally reached Al's place and knocked on the door.

I heard a 'shit' from behind the door and a series of thumps before the lock twisted and the door opened to a clearly dishevelled Alfred.

"Um, Hey! Hey Mattie, wasn't expecting to see you here." he coughed and avoided eye contact.

"Alfred you have a hickey on your neck."

Alfred's face flushed more than it already was as he slapped a hand over the spot where the blemish was.

"What do need." he said, trying to change the topic.

"I need to stay with you for the week. Caleb and I got into a fight."

Suddenly the blush was gone from Alfred's face and he dragged me into the house.

"You got into a fight? Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Mattie do I need to hit him with a car?" Alfred was frantically asking questions and shaking my shoulders.

"Al, I'm fine! He just got mad about the fact that I'm talking to Gilbert so I'm giving him time to cool down."

Alfred gave a relieved sigh, before looking at me again with a serious expression. "Matt you really need to leave him, he's not healthy for you, and this isn't the first time he's done this either. I'm worried that next time he might hurt you."

"Caleb wouldn't hurt me." would he?

He tried to have sex with me even after I told him no. What if next time I have a friend he doesn't like and I try to stand up to him he hits me? Or if he finds out that I never actually stopped talking to Lovino? What then?

No. He wouldn't do that to me, I know Caleb.

Just as Alfred was about to say something, the closet behind him opened and A tall man wearing only his underwear fell out.

"Ummm... I can explain..." Alfred said as a massive blush spread across his face and down his neck.

"Matt this is Ivan, my uh, my boyfriend..."

I immediately started laughing, both men in front of me were blushing so hard, both standing there so awkwardly, clearly embarrassed to have been caught.

"You were in that closet the whole time?" I said through laughs.

The man, Ivan, nodded reddening a bit more.

I laughed harder at the thought of this tall, awkward man cramped into a tiny closet through an entire conversation.

*to end on a silly note.*

"I'll Marry You When You're Tall Enough To Kiss Me" Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin