Ch.3 No, you'll never be alone~

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Kurama's POV 


Watching in amusement as Naruto jumped the unsuspecting Kazekage into a hug, said Kage slightly stumbling back from taking the full brunt of the enerjetic blond's force. Taking a moment to catch his breath and steady himself, coughed, clearing his throat and lightly patting him on the back with one hand.

"Yes, its good to see you again as well, Naruto"

I was leaning against the far wall, Sakura was pinching the bridge of her nose, muttering things that probably consisted of what an idiot he was. Kakashi was simply watching them with as much amusement as I was and the other two sand siblings were on the other side of the room, Temari with her elbows on the main desk and Kankuro with his arms crossed, also watching with a smirk.

Since its painfully obvious that Naruto being the only living being in the world with the nerve and complete lack of understanding to just simply run up and hug the auburn-red haired boy when everyone else in the village was too terrified to even look him in the eye.

Truely, it was a sight.


Pulling back, he showed his award winning smile that just simply made everything seem brighter than it actually was - Heh, he's like having a small sun in the building. Warm and welcoming.

"Are you kidding? Its been an eternity!!! The last time I got to see you was at the Chunin Exams. Why haven't you kept in better touch?"

Eyes slightly widening, I watched as the poor boy scrambled his brain for a response since, well, nobody knew how to respond to him half the time but especially Gaara whose not used to having friends that worry for him. Or friends in general. Its still all fairly new to him.

"Well, I---"

Temari stepped in, saving her youngest brother from the spotlight.

"Well, ya'know Naruto. He is the Kazekage now, he's got a lot more responsibility. He can't gat the luxury to just sit around all day, or visit you guys. As much as we'd like to, we've got an obligation to fix this village"

Naruto pouted, "Yeah I get that. But that doesn't mean I can't miss you guys"

Smirking at how adorable he can be sometimes, Kankuro stepped up next and pulled him into a head-lock to which he tried to pull out of but to no avail as Kankuro tousled his hair. A playful smirk on his lips.

"Say now, why is my baby brother the only one getting all the attention? Didn't you miss any of us as well? Or are you cheating with Gaara beind everyone's back?"

"That's not it, of course I missed you guys"

Managing to pull out of the puppet-master's grip, he lightly fixed his hair and glared back at the man who messed it up, who in turn only smirked at the blond.

After another moment the rest of what was said seemed to sink into his brain and his face turned completely red as he stepped back

"W-What do you mean c-cheating wilth Gaara!!! I'm n-not cheating on Kurama you Bastard!!!!"

Everyone (excluding gaara) erupted into loud and hearty laughter once he finally took note of what Kankuto had implied before hand. Oh how fun it is to mess with him. He's so cute when he's angry. Not to mention embarrassed.

He was tense as everyone kept laughing. Gaara was scowling at his older brother, eyes hardened. Apparently, much like Naruto, he found nothing about this funny.

Undone and Remade (KyuuNaru/ SasuNaru)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon