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     "Hey San, do we have some sort of plan going on?"

Wooyoung asked a question that left me puzzling. The initial plan was basically to find him, but after that part, realization hits that I didn't really thought about this thoroughly.

So for the last 10 minutes we'd been walking across the city with no idea what to do next. With not even a single lead to help us, we are stuck on what we should do next.

It's been silent like this for a while now between me and Wooyoung. The awkwardness between the both of us just continues to grow over time, and with no idea on what to answer his question from 10 minutes ago, I'm afraid this awkwardness is here to stay.

From thinking too much, my head felt like aching. Although it's not as painful as the head ache I had while waking up. It didn't really bothered me as much as that. My pain was soon distracted as a soothing aroma of bread and pastries has grasped my attention.

Soon noticing how Wooyoung appears to have been distracted by the smell as well. He looks to where it was coming from and looks at me as he smiles.

      "I'm pretty sure you haven't eaten anything yet, so do you wanna eat?" He offers to eat, it is true that I haven't eaten yet, I nodded a yes as we continue on to eat.

Pushing the door, as it creeks open, soon being greeted by the aroma of various pastries and sweets. Looking around the place, it was not that big, not too small, it felt comfy and cozy as it is.

     "Good morning." One of the staff's greets us. Me and Wooyoung decided to walk towards the cashier, the interior of that place is very welcoming, in which in return made me smile. It seemed that for a moment, all of our problems were gone in an instant, but of course that's highly impossible. The smile soon fades, just as quickly as it came.

     "Hey San, what would you want?" A very cheerful mood surrounds Wooyoung brought me back to reality, he points a t the various baked goods displayed near the counter.

It's amazing how Wooyoung can keep smiling after everything, as if he's not even bothered by this thing time loop thing happening to us. He ran to the displays, like a kid in a candy store, but instead were seemingly troubled teenagers in a cafe. It's not really a comparison, but it made more sense considering our situation.

Assorted sweets and delectable treats. Without even the need to taste them, just by its looks one can tell that they would be a delight. After a minute of thinking and a couple of rounds of rock-paper-scissors, Wooyoung and I made our decision on what to buy.

     "Two Yogurt smoothies please." We stated in unison, and yes, it's neither of what we initially thought to buy.

As we placed our orders, Wooyoung looks around to find a place to sit. I pointed at the seat right next to the window, as he agrees to do so.

     "Here's your smoothie." He hands over my drink, before actually sitting down. "You know, I haven't really tasted yogurt smoothies yet."

My eyes widen at his confession. Both amazed and wondering if how and why he hasn't tasted a yogurt smoothie yet.

     "I don't know what is your preference in food, but I can assure that you'll like this." I told him before taking another sip from my drink. He shrugs his shoulder, still uncertain. Soon enough he took a sip out of his smoothie, as his eyes widen in surprise.

     "This is amazing." The smile he made as he spoke these words was truly sincere, and precious. Up til now, I still can't figure it out , wait makes this person's smile so different from others, that makes me smile back as response. He truly is someone I admire.

Then remembered the smoothie I had, somehow I almost forgot its existence. For a solid minute we were focused on our drinks as Wooyoung, halfway through his drink stopped.

     "What are we gonna do now... about this thing happening to us." I stopped drinking mine the moment he said those words. It seemed that it was also bothering him even earlier, he was just good at hiding it.

Since the moment he stated such, the atmosphere around us felt heavy, heavier and heavier each passing second. His face turns gray, the bright smile he had gradually grew dim.

    "Hey, it's alright." telling him, trying to reassure that everything will be alright, yet he continues to look dejected. "Its gonna be fine, trust me. We may be confused, frustrated, annoyed for not having a single lead to this thing happening to us... but..." I paused and looked at him in the eyes. "We have each other don't we, we can make it through this together, I promise. So please, don't be sad"

He looked at me with a surprised face. What I just did was truly unexpected. But regardless, I did successfully make him smile, and that's all that matters right now.

As the sun shone, passing it's way through the window's glass, the day of boring sunlight, touched Wooyoung's cheek delicately. Witnessing such, brought me in ease, as if along with it brought a day of hope. Then out of nowhere an idea lit up in my mind.

     "But you know, I was thinking what if we ask others for help?" Suggesting something out of the blue. "Like an expert of sorts." I continued, although he looked rather unsure than delighted.

     "Hate to break it to You but, I dont think anyone ... not even the smartest person in the world will understand this phenomenon." He explains. As the realization soon hits me.

     You mean to say, that time is repeating again and again, sort of like you're stuck in a loop... what are you, insane?

That is probably the response anyone will acquire if they try to explain to people that they were stuck in a time loop. Can't blame them, that sounds unbelievable to begin with, anyone would quickly assume that we both are just teenagers with messed up brains.

I sighed at the thought of another plan that is about to be scrapped. That is until, another idea came in mind.

     "What if... we went to a tarot reader?"

Call it crazy, but I think this might actually work.







CHAPTER NOTES— so finally an update. I'm having writer's block 24/7 , and when I actually wanna write, it's either I'm too tired or too busy to actually write it :'D


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