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When I woke up it's to a loud crashing noise erupting from downstairs. My sleepy mind concludes that James dropped a pot again and I turn over to continue sleeping, seeing as it's still a weekday and obviously too early to wake up. Footsteps stomp hurriedly up the stairs and seconds later, my bedroom door is thrown open.

"Jane, wake up! It's Mom and Dad!"

Begrudgingly turning back over and sit up about to berate my twin for waking me up, the words die in my throat when I see the terror dancing across his face. He may be a good actor, but the look in his blue eyes appears to be genuine. Being his twin, I can tell.

Throwing off the blankets, I rush after him. We stomp down stairs and fly through the halls. I notice the dropped frying pan in the kitchen as we pass, but quickly shove that to the back of my mind. Following James outside, he leads me out the wide open door and outside to the edge of the newly clipped front lawn.

He takes my hand in his slightly sweaty one and points to what looks like a pile of clothing laying in black goop aways down the road. A sense of consternation fills me when I see that neither of our parents are in sight.

"James, they aren't.." I trail off when something in the sky catches my eye. I finally see the lines of what look to be UFO's shining faint yellow spotlights over everything. All I can do is stare in shock and fear as a particular beam comes racing towards us.

James spins around to face me and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. Catching a glimpse of the macabre sight of more piles of clothing and the tears streaming down his cheeks, I hug him back just as tight. The last thing I feel is a split second of burning pain jolting fast as lightning hitting me, then nothing.

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