Make the pain go away

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Rose's POV

I heard him say those words "Love fades mine has" I backed away like he has smacked me, I saw regret flash on his face.

"You really are a monster" I say and turn and run I don't stop for anyone I slip out of the court gates and keep running. It became dark out and I stopped to catch my breath then nashua rolled over me just the thing I was waiting for, the strigoi was very handsome with his brown messy hair and high cheek bones, but he was startled because I was a dampire and I was letting him come close I put up my hands and the strigoi finally spoke 

"What kind of trick is this" 

"It's not a trick" I say wiping my face, I was about to make a decision I might regret later on, but I didn't care at the moment all I cared about was making the pain go away. The strigoi grabbed me pushing me up against the wall

"What do you want" he hisses

"I want the pain to go away, can you make it go away" after a moment of thinking he said

"With pleasure" and sinks his fangs in my neck I let out a scream then it's over and happiness fills my body then I black out.

Let me know if you like it 

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