Blueberry Nicotine

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I am the words, pooling out from your lips
The thoughts, jumping around your mind
The voices, of foreign alien scripts
The thread tying us together, the red twine

I am a tiny little acorn, burrowed in the snow
You may not see me now, but soon I will grow
The cluster of raspberries, in your backyard
The ones your mom insisted you must discard

I can be the nicotine, tearing apart your lungs
My plan to leave you in pain, searing away at your tongue
Try to forget me, once you've seen me
For your mind, your body are still so young

But I am the vine, growing by your front door
Twirling around, abundant with juicy grapes
A shocking red, my fruit blushes, adore
As footsteps, the sound of singing child's escapes

You are my addictions, plaguing my mind
The dopamine, piling about in my head
For ideas come, with faces of the kind
And inspiration dances, to banish my dread

And though we connote addiction to suffering
Dopamine to happiness, driving to madness
You words speed up my loading, buffering
They pull me far far from my sadness

Near five years back, on two fast wheels
I'd pop on by, just to hang out
Keep in touch, just that much, was our only ideal
Playing games, at the time, was what it was all about

See how the the ink and lead dance across my calendar
As the days spring past, and we're barely keeping track
So many memories, mashed together, through
a blender
So many thoughts, my mind is under attack

Where, and how would I be, without the sound of your joy, fluttering in funny letters, across my screen?
And how could I be myself, without your round, flexible resilience, which I've grown around, to become who we now see?

Oh, but my mind is like the steps, that lead to your front door
At times forgettable, but still there evermore
And though at times, I may appear poor
And eye bags appear, and my back feels sore
And my personality paints me as such a bore, a pitiful person with nothing at my core
I'll always be there, and ready for more.

To the snake lover and the spray painter, the streamer and the skateboarder, the singers whose sounds I envy, and to the beautiful, talented, and kindhearted two.
And to the video-game enthusiasts, the running athletes, the truly inspirational, i say this for both of you, in hopes that you decide on a tune, that keeps my lyrics true

Dancing fire flower, you can bring me to my knees
Like a tiny whirlwind, watch you ride out on the breeze

I'm calling for a storm, let me bring you back inside
To the place where we are warm, and we'll spend our time tonight

Oh, mister mister waterfall, you chase away my pain,
Any time of the day, I trust you will never feign

Competition, superstition, cuddle up and spend the night
You're my savior, my bulletproof vest wrapped around me tight

Oh, dancing fire flower, let us bring you back home
Oh, mister mister waterfall, the places we may roam

Oh, dancing fire flower, let us bring you back home
Oh, mister mister waterfall, the places we may roam

when i'm with my garage band
there's never a moment considered bland
and when I'm struggling to stand
you're always there to lend a hand

thank you

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