Rising Stars, On The Moon!

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[Third person pov]

The children had arrived on the ship, Hat kid put the time piece back in the safe.
Hat kid: We're getting closer.
Bow kid: Just hope the others will be just as easy.
A scent invaded their noses.
Hoodwink: Mmmm, food.
Hoodwink booked it to the kitchen.
Bow kid: Someone's hungry.
Hat kid: He's Hoodwink.
The girls went into the kitchen to see Hoodwink licking a plate of spaghetti clean.
Bow kid: Goodness, did you breathe?
Hoodwink: More please!
Cooking Cat: Clean your face please hun.
The girls sat at the table.
Cooking Cat: Y'know, I expected an alien stove to be more...technology advanced.
Cooking Cat gave them all a plate of spaghetti.
Children: Thank you!
The children quickly ate.
Cooking Cat: So, what do you think?
Hoodwink had sparkles in his eyes.
Bow kid: This is the best thing I have ever tasted, oh my gosh!
Hat kid: This is so much better than the food at home!
Hoodwink: *burp* Oh, excuse me.
Bow kid: Psh, watch this. *deep inhale* *buuurrrrp*
Hat kid: Puh-lease. *buuuuurrrrrrrp*
The children laughed.
The children looked at Cooking Cat with surprised faces. Then they all gave her golf claps.
Cooking Cat: Thank you, thank you. Oh! Did you three try the podium yet?
Hat kid: Oh, no we didn't. Let's go now.
The four of them went into the main room.
Hat kid: ...What's that?
Cooking Cat: Oh! I installed that while you were gone, I thought you'd like it.
Hoodwink: What is it?
Cooking Cat: Do you have rift tokens?
Bow kid: ...These?
She pulled out 9 rift tokens.
Cooking Cat: Go ahead and put three in.
Bow kid shrugged and put three in the slot, then a slot game started.
Bow kid: Uh...what do I do?
Cooking Cat: Just pull the lever to stop it, if you like what you got, pull the blue lever, dont like it? Pull the red one. You only get three tries though.
Bow kid shrugged and pulled the lever.
Bow kid: ...Bow flair? It looks like a bandana.
Cooking Cat: You want it?
Bow kid pulled the blue lever, and out came a capsule. She opened it and a she was engulfed in a cloud of smoke which quickly went away. When it cleared, her bow suddenly was a bandana. She looked in the mirror next to the machine.
Bow kid: I like this.
Hat kid: *gasp* I want one! I want one!
Bow kid gave Hat kid 3 tokens and she put them in the machine. She pulled down the lever.
Hat kid: New color? ...Nah.
She pulled the red lever and tried again.
Hat kid: A hat with a bow?! I want!
She pulled the blue lever and got a capsule. She opened it and looked in the mirror.
Hat kid: My hat has a little purple bow now!
Bow kid gave Hoodwink the last 3 and he put them in. He pulled the lever. He got a good flair.
Hoodwink: ...No.
She pulled the red lever and tried again. He got another hood flair.
Hoodwink: Last chance.
He pulled the red lever again and tried one last time.
Hoodwink: New color? Ok.
He pulled the blue lever and got a capsule. It was black and red. He opened it and looked in the mirror. His hoodie and jeans were now completely black, and his hair was blood red.
Bow kid: He looks so edgy, like, more than usual!
Hoodwink: I don't like, how do I get rid of it?
Cooking Cat: Just open the same capsule.
Hoodwink did that and he got back to his normal look.
Hoodwink: Oh, groovy!
Hat kid: Ok, now let's try the podium.
Bow kid: So we just put them in the right order right?
Cooking Cat nodded and girls started to try and-
Hoodwink: I know what it is!
He got the to relics, but then on the podium, and made...a burger.
Hat kid: ...What is this?
Hoodwink: It's a burger!
Bow kid: ...What's a burger?
Hoodwink spazed out for a sec.
Cooking Cat: Oh heck no! I'm gonna fix that right now!
Cooking Cat went back into the kitchen.
Bow kid: We should probably go see DJ now.
Hat kid: Your right, let's go.
The children got their gear and left the ship...to the moon.

A Hat, Bow, and Hood In TimeWhere stories live. Discover now