Can I do that with Joseph too?

If the king allowed Vera to marry who she wants,

Would he allow me too?

If Vera is engaged now,

Does that mean I have to confess the truth?

"U-um father.?" The king turned to face his other daughter. His happy face suddenly reverted to a nuetral face at an astaggering pace that it made it even more daring to speak. "What is it you want my sweet little one?" The words spoken would've have been sweet if the face that spoke it matched it. The king only held a stiff face with eyes that seemed to reflect pity.

Chloe gulped, cold sweat and anxiousness bathed her then, still she pulled through. With daring ryes she uttered

"When will it be my turn."

Vera's eyes widened at this, she quickly looked between Chloe and their father. The king remained silent, as if thinking about it, but even Vera knew he already had an answer, this was merely to save face. She couldn't tell if this was their father or a new monster.

"I'm afraid it will be a long time before that happens my dear." He said somewhat coldly, "Can you please think of another time to bring this up? It's your sister's day sweet one! Don't be selfish." The king looks out and he said with absolute certainty, "This engagement has already been announced to the entire kingdom. Everyone of everything rejoices at the news, no need to change that." He sighs and faces Vera with happy eyes. He suddenly reverted back to the peppy man from before. "Come on my dear! Time to discuss the arrangements before you see your groom!"

Chloe didn't know what started it. Maybe it was at that moment. Maybe it was a collection of moments. Maybe it was the seed of rebbelion that was planted the day she started leaving the castle. Maybe today was the oppurtune time it decided to show it's fruits.

The flower finally blossomed and glowed red with anger.

"Why?! Why are you so unfair Father!" Chloe bellows as she points an accusing finger at the man that was suppose to be her father, and yet acts like she was merely fostered. "Chloe.." Vera whispered, wanting to reach out but blocked by the very man who raised them.

"Why do you call me selfish?! What did I do to make you think that huh?!" The servants in the room looked dumbfounded as they watched the scene. The king's brow furrowed as he commanded them "Leave."

"Why?! Why is Vera always the one who is free?!From the start of my birth I've done nothing but appease you and your strange requests! From being as silent as a lamb to being locked up since childhood!" Tears sprouted from her eyes, but they weren't from anger. "You! You are no father of mine! You who hid me from the world who treated me like a ghost, what did I do to deserve this fate?!"

Chloe trembled in anger and sadness. With each passing second, she felt her body start to shut itself down. She felt tired, her body heavy with heat from her anger. Her mind ran in restlessness. Every question she wanted asked was being thrown out at that moment, but even then she knew none of them would be answered.

With a hoarsed voice she asks one more question. "If you truly love me so, why can't you give me that life too?"

A loud thump vibrated through the halls as the king slammed his fist to the table beside him. Startling some of the people near and far from the vicinity. "Go to your room, and stay there." His voice dripped with subtle anger. Some would have cowered, but Chloe defied him again. "No! I'm no longer a child you can order around!" The king however only waved his hand to signal the guards. "Take her out of here." The men that saw the whole thing looked at her with pity, but still they were forced to drag her away.

The God and The Youth [IdentityV JosCarl]Where stories live. Discover now