"Oh, thanks. Hi. You look... nice." I say to the tall man currently standing in front of me with a wide Colgate smile. He was dressed similar to his brothers except his sleeves were rolled up and the first few buttons were undone. He had a gold necklace on and as my eyes migrate over to Sebastian, I realize he has a very similar one on as well. 

Noah doesn't speak. In fact, he's dead silent and his expression as fallen. I look back over to Noah only to see him gulp and his face begin to slightly turn red.

"You.. you're.. fuck. You look stunning, Briella." He says, licking his lips before shutting his eyes. I stifle a laugh after thanking him for the compliment. Noah reopens his eyes, shifting Sebastian to the other hip. 

"They think it'll be better if we all just rode together."


"How was your day?"

"It was good," I say, turning towards the mirror. "I spent most of it thanking people for birthday wishes and listening to Wyatt and Nik argue. How was yours?"

"It was great. I spent it all studying and then making sure everything goes smoothly tonight." Noah says, removing Sebastian's hand from his mouth. Sebastian only pushes it back towards his fathers mouth. 

"Studying what? Are you going back to school?" I question, looking over at Noah and Sebastian. Sebastian was pulling cookies out of air and attempting to get Noah to bite it while Noah only held his head back and shook. 

"Pregnancy, babies, and parenting. You know, the works."

"What have you learned?" I say teasingly, just to quiz him. He lights up at the question, moving Sebastian to sit next to him on the bed.

"Did you know that your heart grows while your pregnant? I didn't. Also, babies can cry while they are in the womb. The taller the female is, the more likely you are to have twins. You're pretty tall. Your joint loosen during pregnancy and more pregnant women develop diabetes versus those who aren't pregnant. Babies can taste certain things while they are in the womb and you're not supposed to sanatize their pacifers seventy thousand times a day because it helps them build an immune system."

"Wait, what? Rewind back to the diabetes bit."

"Yeah, during the pregnancy the placenta makes hormones that may develop a blockage that builds up the glucose amount in your blood. Don't worry, your pancreas can usually make enough insulin to handle it." Noah explains, pulling a cookie out of his shirt pocket and giving it to Sebastian.

"You have cookies in your pocket."

"They're his." He smiles, pointing towards Sebastian who was now biting into the cookie.

"If you guys are done then I'd like to get a move on because Ava will kill us if we are late and we all know Nikolas and Briella are never on time to save their lives. Noah, either." Wyatt says from the doorway as I grab my clutch and car keys. Noah stands, grabbing our son and his cookies, before waiting for me. "Let's go then. Liam is here already?"

"He's been here since Noah got here."

"Oh, why didn't you tell me?"

"That's what this knucklehead was supposed to do when he got up here."

"I got distracted." Noah shrugs while Sebastian offers me his now soggy cookie. I cringe, shaking my head politely. "No thanks, lovey."

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