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Next Day At School

Yuta walked into class and looked over at winwin who sneakily winked at him.

Yuta kinda got jealous as he took a seat in front of the class and saw this girl obviously flirting with winwin.

Yuta didn't want to show he was jealous and he couldn't really say anything without getting rated out or just in general because him and winwin weren't technically dating.

After school

Yuta went up to the door and opened it to see is dad and mom talking. He had mixed feelings about seeing his dad.

"Hi dad what are you doing here"

"I'm here because this is my home and I'm off work for a couple days"

"Ok well I'm going to go up to my room"

"Well no hug" Yutas dad said with is arms out wanting yuta to hug him.

Yuta forced himself to walk over to his dad and lightly hugged him. His dad hugged everyone the same.

He would put his hand down to where there back ended and have the other and around the waste.

The hug never felt like a dad hug. It felt more like a girlfriend or wife hug. But yuta thought that maybe just maybe since he hugs everyone like that than thats just how he hugs. Or it could be that he is a disgusting pervert which is actually true.

Yuta walked to his bedroom and saw a note on his desk.

"You have on appointment at 5:00pm at xxxxxxx location"

He knew it was form his mom because she doesn't like talking about it so she just either rights it down or emails it to yuta.

Yuta looked over to his phone. "Shit it's 4:30 I need to go". Yuta's dad didnt like him missing appointments and if he did he would usually get beat.

Yuta ran down stairs he knew he was going to be late and he knew what his dad was going to do.

"Isn't there somewhere you need to be yuta" Yuta's dad said as he opened the door. "Yes dad and I'm going". Yuta than ran out the door.


Yuta was sitting on his bed crying trying to find a way to cover his bruises that his dad gave him.

He could here his mom and dad yelling from downstairs. He silently listened.




"I don't care as long as I get money"

"So you choose money over me and your son, especially your son"

"He is more like a daughter than a son anyways"

"And that makes it even more worse"


"Do you even love him"

"Yeah he is my child"

"Then what are you going to do when someone decides one day not to pay you and either kill or kidnap him because that is a main danger of prostitutes"

"Then I guess he just gets taken hell I will even tell them to give me the money for him"

"So you would sell your only child who let me remind you, is the sweetest, cutest, and funniest person YOU will ever meet in your life because he is the only person that ACTUALLY loves you"

"And who do you know he loves me"

"Because even though he is mad at you a lot he asks me do you love him because he loves you even though your mean"

"I dont want to talk about this right now"

Yuta stopped listening as he heard his dad come up the stairs. He quickly turned off the light and got under his covers like a little kid.

He closed his eyes as he heard his door open and his dads voice say "good night".

Yuta smiled and thought " Does he Actually love me as his child". He then went to sleep.

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