His last chance to change

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Boa: he will if he really knew what happened.

Minho: mom?

Taec: aunt.

Boa: I heard everything, and I know how to put an end to his hatred.

Minho: mother? What do you mean by this?

Boa: have you ever think why Siwon hates Kwon’s family so much?

Taec: that I want to hear.

Boa: It has been 25 years I, taeyeon, Tae yoon her evil sister had been very good friends. That time both Kwon and Choi’s are very close. That’s how Onew, Leeteuk and Siwon know each other they’ve became good friends. We enter the circle of friend ship with them and as time passed by we turn from little kids to womanhood and manhood. Taeyeon and Onew became very close, Siwon loved Taeyeon so much and got jealous on Onew, Leeteuk like Tae yoon but tae yoon became darker and uses her magic to hurt people. Taeyeon became worried of Tae yoon and talked to Leeteuk, she cried on Leeteuk arms and by that time Tae yoon saw it and was deeply heart brokened. She was pregnant that time to Sulli Leeteuk’s daughter and so Taeyeon to you Taecyeon.

Taec: What? But I thought my mom is

Boa: Taeyeon was drunk by Siwon because of jealousy he tends to get Taeyeon first so that she will be his forever. Taeyeon was shocked the next morning she cried and cried and tends to kill herself until Onew save her and tell her it’s okay that he will love that child as he was his true father. Siwon got angry and propose a plan with Tae yoon that is to separate both forever. While Tae yoon came up with an evil plan to let both kingdoms to kill each other by casting darkness on the heart of the kind king Choi who killed princess Sooyoung the sister of Kwon Onew and turned anger to Kwon’s family. Kwon Onew’s father accepted the war from Choi’s family. The war lasted for a week until Choi’s were defeated. King Choi got angry and mad; he slashed his wife the queen along with his 3 siblings who were too young and matchless that time Onew saw what happened and tried to stop the king from his madness but the King had already buried his sword on his chest when Onew came. The King lay on the floor and the spell lifted. I and Onew with Taeyeon who was about to bear a child ran on his side. The king said his last words to Onew “Tell your father I apologize and tell him I was manipulated by a spell which I can’t fight. Onew you’re my son’s bestfriend tell him I Love him and that me and his mother and his sisters will be waiting for him in heaven. Tell him I love him. “And by that the King died. Taeyeon gasped for air as she was about to deliver the child. Onew bring her to his kingdom and there you were born Taecyeon. When onew and taeyeon left Siwon entered the hall and was heartbroken to see his family lying dead in the floor.  I was behind the hall and I heard Siwon said “I will kill every Kwon’s that I can find. Even a little of his blood I will find them and kill them until none of them will be left alive.” Siwon shouted and punch the hall. I can’t do anything since I don’t have the power to do so, but I went to find Tae yoon and tell her to stop this madness.

Minho: then what happened?

Boa: I saw her in her house with blood she just delivered her child. I thought she died because when I search for her pulse there was none. I went out and saw Leeteuk whose eyes were full of tears I realize he must have know everything. I hand him his child and leave to find Taeyeon.

Taec: why did you not tell leeteuk or siwon about what really happened?

Boa: you must have understand that a woman of poor value will never be heard even when she speaks the truth. So I left it that way it must have been that Onew told Siwon what happened since they became good friends again. And 5 years later you were born Minho you were very close to Taecyeon and you play all the time. Taecyeon was 10 years old by that time, Siwon was fund of Taecyeon and requested him to stay with him, Taeyeon hesitated but later on accepted Siwon’s request since he is the true father. 9 months later Yuri was born, Onew and Taeyeon were so happy and so is the whole Kingdom. While on the other side as I was taking care to you both I heard the plans Siwon will do when Yuri turns 5. I was about to tell Taeyeon when I was stop with Siwon holding you in his arms. He warned me never to tell the plan to taeyeon or Onew or anyone if I want you Minho to live. I was so heartbroken but I choose not to. Yuri turns 5 you were all in the ball the King and queen prepared it was the merriest day of the Hwacheong palace. I watched alarmingly to Yuri who was running and Taeyeon following her. I followed them as they went outside. Everyone is so busy that they haven’t realized Yuri and taeyeon went out. I followed them and stop when they both stopped. I see Taeyeon’s face filled with horror so I pick on the hole and was shocked myself; Tae yoon whom I though died is still alive. She captured taeyeon and talked to me “stay put woman, remember you are no match for me” and Tae yoon disappeared Yuri scream and cried and ran to her father. That night the death of Queen Taeyeon saddened everyone and even Onew’s heart breaks to pieces.

                This you must understand, it was all Tae yoon’s plans. We were manipulated by her and so does your father. I know Siwon he is not all monster, and I love him because he is kind and loving until Tae yoon corrupted his heart. I don’t know if this plan will work but I had saved someone whom Siwon will believe in. His sister who survives the night when King Choi killed her family is with me and it’s time for her to change her brother.


i'm sorry this is as far as i finish and the story will be ending soon ^^ can't wait to hear your comments and suggestions . Let's make a happy ending for them. Thank you and Happy Halloween ^^

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