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 Loving A Samurai

(a story of love, hatred and revenge)

written by: jasforyul


(A/N No part of this story is to be reproduce in any means or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the writer. The Names, situations and places are purely coincidental and are not real.)


Girls Generation Yuri and Shinee Minho

in a story that will prove how love can change even the impossibIlities. 

a story that will stir your heart

JASFORYUL productions presents 





Loving a samurai

Appa, appa!!!! A tan 10 year old girl ran to her father who was sitting on a big gold chair.
“oh there pumpkin, slowly ..” king Onew carry his little princess gently on his father’s arm. 
“appa?” the little girl asked her father. “when will omma be coming back? I missed her” the little girl hug her father’s neck and cuddled herself on her father’s wide built chest.
“Pumpkin omma is…” the king got interrupted and turned his head and got alarmed on the loud banging outside the palace. 
“appa? What’s happening? Appa?” the little girl was shaken she heard the slashing of swords and sound of guns ,theirs a ruckus happening outside the castle.
“my precious little girl “ the king put down her shakened daughter. 
“I need you to listen carefully, I’m going to send you and ahjummaIm outside the palace someone will help you there, wait for me and I’ll get you.” The king said.
“butappa…” the princess protested.
“no buts? No question, arraseo” the little girl nodded and tears fall on her eyes. “shhhh don’t cry , my brave little Yuri” the king kiss his daughter goodbye . 
“ahjummaIm give this to General Park he’ll know what to do. Take good care of my daughter for me.” By this the king pull out his sword and waited for the enemy. “Protect his highness” the guards surrounded his father.
“appppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaa… no noappa..”yurishouted.
“Princess we need to go” AhjummaIm carried the princess.
“appppaaaa…you promise me you’ll get me!!! .” yuri shouted while being carried byahjummaIm, The king take a glimpse on her daughter, and tears fall from his eyes. The doors close on her front as she was carried to the depths of the woods.

----LOVING THE SAMURAI (jasforyul)

continuation (the fall)

“there they are” the enemies spotted Yuri and the servants. “Get them , don’t let them escape.!!!” One of the men shouted.
Horses followed their chariot , “ahjumma what will we do now? “ the chariot carrier asked her. 
“just hurry ,,,, don’t let them catch us” ahjummaIm commanded.
“arrasso, I’ll try my best” the carrier said.
“you must, its our only hope to live, she’s our only hope for now” ahjummaIm looked at Yuri sleeping unconsciously in her lap.
“hayaaahhhhh…” the chariot carrier speeded his pace..they are now away from the pursuers. The moon are guiding their way.
“they’re escaping don’t let them escape” one of the men commanded and signal the gunman.
“shoot them” the man commanded , the gunmen aimed and were shooting at the chariot.
The chariot got hit on the wheel.”ngeeeehhhh” horses lost their balance and are jumping up and down, theworried chariot carrier tried his best to keep them in track. “Theres a raven hold yourselves” the carrier shouted. AhjummaImhug Yuri. “ahjummaIm” the carrier look at her. “pallipalli hold the horses!!!“urghhh…” “oh no!!!” ahjummaIm cried as she watch the carrier fall from the chariot. The horses gone wild, they are now swirling around.the chariot turned upside down and a loud crashed happened after.
“hoooh, hooh..” the men stopped and looked at the falling chariot. “it’s a big fall im pretty sure they’re dead now.” The men said. “call father and convey what happened Minho.” “yes brother taecyeon” minho said. “poor girl, they’ll never survive the fall.” Taecyeon remark. Minho look at the 100 feet cliff and saw the wrecked chariot and went away to convey the message to his father.



At the castle……
the king bleeds on the floor, he saw his fallen guards all are dead now. He look at the men and someone familiar captured his attention. 
“who areyou?” the king asked the intruders. The man in uniform step out of the dark and smirk at the fallen king.
“Siwon? Choi siwon?” the king was shocked ,choisiwon his best friend is the one who betrayed them. “how could …you?, who ..who..command you?” the king stuttered asked siwon, he’s hiccupping for air.
Siwon kneel and whispered “taeyeon…Kim Taeyeon…your queen” 
“No!!!!” the king can’t believe what he just heard. “that can’t be true my queen is dead she was killed….” The king cried.
“No it was all planned by me and ofcourse her highness and she said no one must lived..even you “ Siwon laugh “even your daughter Kwon Yuri” hahahahaha…
“No no…”the king stand and attacked Siwon. “uhrggh..” the king look at Siwon and his sword in his he whispered to Siwon “ple…as..e let my daughter…live” the king fall on the floor.
“Yuri….my precious..princess” the king said for the last time. Nothing was heard but the cries of the palace people and the laugh of the murderer.

did Yuri die?
what will happen to her after ?


10 years later

“no, leave us alone” the queen cried holding her 2 year old child. The samurai look at them; he drew his sword and slashed the queen and the child.
“noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!” the king look at his wife and his child..
“you!!!!” the king get his sword and attacked the samurai. The samurai’s masked fall on the ground. 
“you’re a wo…..” the king got shocked at his murderer for it was a 
“Woman” she smirked and drew her sword .
“urghhhh” the king fall and died on the floor. 
“ That serves you and you’re family well” she off in her sword and get on her horse. She saw a child hiding 
“me?, “ the child asked
“yes, you !!! do you know where Hwacheong palace right?” she asked 
“yes we traded there every Sunday.” The child answered shakingly.
“don’t worry I wont kill you unless you’ll deliver this to the king” she gave a letter to the child.
“yes…yes I will .”the child get the letter.
“if they asked who send this” the child asked
“tell them “DEATH” send it..and right, fetch some doctors for the child and thequeen, they’re just unconscious tell them it’s only a sleeping poison they’ll know what to do.” By this she leaved the kingdom.
She look at the moon “I will get my revenge soon father very soon…hayaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh” she ride the horse and went back to Gwandamdong.

At Hwacheong palace

“my king!!!” the messenger went inside the king chamber.
“yahhhhhhh” the queen shouted.
“the fuck are you doing…” the king covered his wife who was naked. “go outside I’ll get out” the king boomed.
“im so sorry my king” the messenger blushed and went out .
“shit!” the king cursed.
“tell your people siwon to give respect on your chamber.” The queen shouted and get her dress and put it on.
“I’ll leave now.” The queen said.
“where are you going?” Siwon asked. 
“its blood moon tomorrow I need to go to her” the queen said.
“okey I’ll wait for you then” siwon said and kiss her.
The queen leaved and siwon went out of his chamber.
“what do you intend to say … it should be important when you necessarily rush in my chamber” the king angrily said.
“im so sorry but you must read this my sire.” The messanger said and hand over a letter.

To my dearest coward king siwon
Your death is coming soon. Better get your stupid allies ready oh I forgot you only got 1 right now right? Im sorry but I got my sword cut their tongues already. Don’t worry you might still had a chance to leave or live? Find me kill me soon before I’ll kill you.
p.s you need to do it real soon
yours truly…

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