Freckles like stars

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It did snow but only an inch so everyone was mad at Hannah's dad. They still had school and Leah still had to wear two pairs of socks and try not to slip while walking to the bus stop. After school wasn't much better since there wasn't enough snow to attack each other with but there was enough to make it slippery and wet. Noah wrote about pirates in her bedroom some more while Jack sat on the bed reading her older stories. He liked the one about slapping Anna best, he said he was proud and as he chuckled his dimples showed. Jack wrote too, he wrote about how Noah had freckles like stars and her hair was the color of dirt but he thought it was pretty anyway. She didn't know what to say so she muttered "thank you" and hoped her mom would call her for dinner. She didn't though and they sat. "I like your cheeks because when you smile you get dimples and it looks cool" she said trying to break their silence. He said "thank you" and shifted a bit. Then he said he had to shower even though it was only five in the afternoon but she was happy to see him go.

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