Too complicated: Part 15

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Y/n POV:

I feel Noah latch on to my hand as I make my way up the stairs, my brother following closely behind. We all meet in the landing, Tom clearly uncomfortably close to Ray, his jaw and hands clenched as he watched him with disgust. Tom instantly grins when he sees Noah in my hand, and I smile back waiting for the officers to speak.

Officer 1: Miss Y/l/n can you direct us as to where you believe the substances are stashed?

Ray: This is ridiculous! You're going to listen to the words of a desperate child who's clearly confused?

Tom: Enough!

His powerful voice echoed loudly around the thin wooden walls that held trauma and pain in its hands, beaten and worn down from the exhaustion of holding it all within. Everyone instinctively looked up at him, his eyes of fire standing inches before Ray.

Tom: Don't you dare disrespect her.

This side of him, this angry, protective side was so captivating. He held the tension of the room between his fingers, dangling us across the stillness and suspense he had built. I see Ray's body twitch, and I pray he won't try to hurt Tom, and I'm flooded with relief when he steps back and murmurs something silently instead. The room let out the breath it was holding in.

Officer 2: Miss Y/l/n?

I nod and take Noah to Tom and he placed his hands on his shoulders. I glance at the bathroom door opened slightly ajar and I'm bombarded with the years of misery as I enter. The dull, lifeless walls with tearing paper and mould growing in each corner welcomed me with that familiar damp smell. I tug at the light switch which flickered uninvitingly above my head as my eyes adjusted to the sudden stingy yellowness of the room it had provided. I forced my eyes upwards towards the ceiling, remembering the times I'd walk in here to see if he was keeping these things under the same roof us Noah and I. And he always was, except this time, I wished for it to be true.

 The officers stood by the door patiently as I climbed onto the grimy sink, kneeling so my knees could feel the pressure of the cold metal seeping through my jeans. I brought my arms towards the ceiling tile, but my body hesitated in doing so. The realisation that if I was wrong, if he had truly changed, or even hidden it somewhere else crept into my mind and my head spun at the thought. My hands shook in the air as I caught the shadows casted down on the bathroom floor shift and my eyes met Tom who was stood shielding Noah behind him. I felt him, his love, holding me steady in his gaze as my worries and fear sparked tears in my eyes. And still he stood strong, being the support I needed, my rock. He nodded and I smiled softly before glancing back up at the ceiling and reached my arm up. I carefully shifted the tiles, my hand exploring the dusty surface until it came across something. The anticipation, the fear, the excitement all spilled into my chest as I grasped the thing in my hand, and cautiously brought it down. I looked at the officers, my eyes not daring to look at what was in my hand. Their eyes widened and one of the officers rushed out of the room as Noah peaked from behind Tom's body and held onto his hand.

Officer 2: Ma'am you can give that to me.

I do as she asked and Tom rushed to my side helping me off the sink. My legs went weak and Tom steadied me in his arms as I let out a sigh of relief, of satisfaction, of the overwhelming feeling of Ray finally getting what he deserved. I heard Ray stumbling over the clutter and rubbish stacked along the hallway as he attempted to run. To where, I don't know. I suppose that's what happens when your whole life has been outed as a lie. You just don't know what to do. So he ran. Like the coward he is. But it's a funny thing, because in all this time I've been running from the monster, he's now running from me.

Tom POV:

He's home. And Y/n has never seemed happier. The usual spring in her step and glint in her eyes have returned to its rightful place, her gorgeous lips forming that gorgeous smile once more. I had gone back to work, and so had she. She was so consumed the joy of getting Noah back, I didn't want to tell her I was going to have to leave. She had just dug herself out of this bottomless pit she threw herself in after the custody battle, I didn't want to remind her of those awful feelings ever again. 

It was Friday morning, Y/n sat at her desk, typing away on her computer as she wore nothing but my T-shirt from last night and underwear. The premature sun rummaged its way messily into the bedroom, the light bleeding across the floor and white covers of the bed. I sat up slightly, watching her peaceful mind occupied by her uni work, allowing herself to be lost in her words as she wrote them on her laptop. The sound of my movements alerted her, and she swivels on her chair to face me and smiled. She leant her chin on her arms as she crossed them on the back of the chair as she giggled as I smiled sleepily at her with tired eyes.

Y/n: The lady stirs.

She says as she pushes her chair back, the smooth sound of the plastic wheels rolling on the wooden floor reaching my ears. She comes to me, laying down on my chest as I hugged her tightly.

Tom: Shakespeare?

She smiles again and kisses my neck up to my jawline. I love it when she does that.

Y/n: Of course.

I shake my head and guide her body further up so she can kiss me with more ease. She smiles into the kiss, ruffling my messy hair as I held her legs on either side of me. My actions make her moan and I pull away suddenly.

Tom: Wait Wait is Noah going to-

Y/n: I took him to school already.

She assured me as she lays back down next to me.

Tom: Oh. I slept in late then huh?

Y/n: Yeah...I didn't want to wake you, you seemed tired.

Tom: Thank you.

I kiss her temple and lean over to check my phone. I see the voicemails left on my lock screen and scramble out of bed reaching in every direction for my clothes.

Tom: Ugh shit.

She watched me carefully as I gathered everything.

Y/n: Work?

Tom: Yeah I have a meeting in an hour.

She nods and continues to watch me. When I'm done I jog over to her side of the bed and plant a kiss on her lips, one we both savour.

Tom: Bye. I love you.

Y/n: I love you too.

She whispers back and I walk out. 

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