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hello, please come in, sit down and get comfy. You must have heard a multitude of stories about my kind. Well, most of those stories are only partially true. Yes, i suck blood, yes i prefer nighttime, but not everything is true. I don't like being in daylight, but, that doesn't meant that i burn in daytime, or "glisten" (don't know where they got THAT from) the vampires that actually do burn up in daylight are a very rare case, because they have to have been human, have died no less than 1 week, have gotten bit in death and something involving a lot of alchemy or something.

The reason why i know that is because iv'e been Reading ancient Romanian scripts (Transylvania is indeed a real place, it's a region in the central part of Romania). I have no idea how i was able to read it when (and it's a crazy thing when you think about it) i didn't come from Transylvania, i'm not Romanian nor is my ethnicity Romanian.People assume that all vampires come from there, When actually, we can be born in the same fashion as humans (well, minus the umbilical cord & we bite our way out instead of the mother pushing us out), but you get the drift. In a source that will not be mentioned ,it is portrayed that half-breeds mature really quick and don't age. Half-breeds are real, but they certainly don't mature that quick, like purebred vampires, they grow up and grow at the same rate that human children grow.

The reason why i still look like a 20 something or an older teen, is because i'm only 137 years old (a fairly young age for a vamp) we do age, but only cosmetically, the powers stay the same consistently with age. We don't start to show age until roughly the 400 year mark, we don't get start to get grey and wrinkly until around the 750 year mark, by the time you reach a millennium, you look elderly, but still have the same powers that you did throughout your existence.

The part about sucking blood is true, in fact we need it to survive. Vampires can't die "naturally", we can only be killed. That is why a lot of the time, we are generally perceived as monsters. I personally do feel the need to suck blood from humans when I'm mad, distraught, guilty or simply hungry at an inconvenient time, one time at my work 20 years back I bit & killed everyone in the elevator with me. But, hey I needed to eat. I don't particularly like human blood (I prefer seal blood myself) but when strong hunger pains are involved, that isn't something you can logically think over before you do it.

Some "religious leaders" also seem to be under the impression that all of my prey would turn into a vampire once I bit them. First of all, that's BS, by this logic you cold get bit by a viper and turn into one. Second, "vampirism" isn't some contagious disease, it's not like getting malaria from a tick, or getting Ebola from a microscopic parasite. It's usually something you are born as, just like how you are born a human, you don't turn into a vamp, unless it's in the nutty circumstances mentioned above.

I grew up in a ridiculously superstitious community in California and they claimed that the  reason why i was the way i am is because of my lack of exposure to holy water whilst i was in my mother's birth, well they are all dead now and "holy" water, is only holy because religious figures make it holy, it's actually just water, simply in a church setting. To be fair though, that was before the Advent of modern medicine and people were so ignorant then, that they'd believe just about anything, like how evolution isn't real or electric shocks treat seizures and most ridiculous that it's okay to shoot strangers as long as they wander on your property.

Last of all, they say that vampires can't conduct themselves in regular life without burning up in daylight or sucking everyone's blood. The elevator incident of 1994, was one little fiasco because i forgot about my deer blood breakfast, i would eat food, but all it does is pool in my belly and makes me look slightly fat. Some days i don't feel like a vampire at all and just as human as others and because of my heightened senses, i am able to spot things that others can't see, like the would be arsonist who almost burned down my workplace (he certainly made a nice supper!) or the near miss  when an old  Friend almost got a severe head injury from a hurdling baseball at his son's minor leagues game back in '53. In conclusion "vampirism" is just a term to describe my tendencies and never actually defines me, what defines me isn't about what parasite i am or the blood that i suck, what defines me is, well, me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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