Chapter 1

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I have been locked down here for the last few days. I don't know who or why or how did I end up like this. There's no one to talk to either. It's a quite dark, small and smelly room. Only a small bulb, which starts flickering from time to time, is lighting the room.

I have been served a slice of bread, an apple and few water, my only way for survival. And today I got the fourth meal, that means this is my fourth day. If my assumption is right.

Only I know how I wished to end myself, but there's nothing, with I could end my miserable life. Even the light bulb is far beyond reach even with my height which is 5'6".

The meal I got served on is somewhat attached to the door, so in order to drink the water I would have to bend myself down on my fours like animals does. This is hell, no worse than hell.

I have been thinking, remembering what happened, but all I can remember is I went out hiking with my four close friends - Jassy, Carl, Ben and Josh, then I slipped on the steeping rocks more like been pushed by someone.

I don't know who did it and someone did grabbed my arms pulling me closer to his chest. With all the muscular tension on his body I can easily confirmed it was a man, then I passed out. And now here I am in this filthy room, alone.

Did all my friends are here too?? At another room?? I don't know, haven't heard anything not a single sound or even rustling sound of wind.

Shit!!! I'm so fucking screwed. Oh! I wish I would have listened to my Mum. She even told me not to go for hiking specially where we left for.

Reports of missing people who went hiking is recently on the news too. Shit!! Fucking duckling mingling me, I should have listen to her.

Did my parents file a report of missing? Did they start the search party? Only I wish I could get a view or knowledge of where am I. Fuck there's not even a single window. I'm tired of screaming for the last few days and lack of food is making me weak too.

"What the hell, they need to give me more food. Fuck I'm way too skinny to survive on this fucking single slice of bread and an apple", I grunted with anger and frustration.

"Mum I missed your hand cooked meal. God, please help me. If you are punishing me for complaining my Mum's cooking then please gimme a chance, I won't do it again", then I was crying,whining, even scratching the walls and iron door with my nails like a dog.

"Fuck it hurts. Aww!! I recently had my manicure. This is bullshit", I was regretting for spoiling my nails.

If I continue to spend more days like this, then I'll probably go nuts before I die. Oh man! Fuck, I miss my family and friends.

Who held me captive and why I haven't get to see him or them? What will be his motive behind all these? The way I've been treated, I felt like I've been captured by someone who's more like Jason of Friday 13th series.

"Whoever did this will pay for it. I swear to motherfu... Ahm I swear to almighty God! ", I was talking all alone then I heard a soft chuckle.

I turned around then saw a dark tall figure approaching towards me, through the door obviously and I haven't heard a single sound. What?! Am I deaf?? My thought has been interrupted by the voice of dark figure.

"Ahmm! You do know how to talk alone. You are kinda funny and it amuses me", he was talking softly and standing under the light.

Staring at me, holding on his chin which is making me nervous and yay I'm not deaf. But I didn't hear the iron door open, it's huge and must be heavy as well. It sure will make sound but it didn't strange!!

"Hey, Mr Psycho. Who the hell are you? Lemme out. How much did you asked for ransom? I'm fucking gonna kill you with my bare hands", then I jumped towards him but I fell on the floor instead.

How did he do that? He was right in front of me. I'm fucking confused.

"Hmm feisty one huh!? I like it", he blurted out with a smirk on his face.

"You find it funny?? Lemme out for fu... Hmm Christ sake", well I can't curse before almighty one that's my Mum and Dad's rule.

"Yeah, you are funny yet feisty. I won't need an entertainer for the time being", he said it bluntly and broke into laughter when I failed another attempt to attack him.

Shit he's a fucking ninja. I end up bruising my albow this time.

"I'm not a ninja. You wanna know who or what I am?", he interrupted my thought and was holding me from my back.

What the fuck, how did he do that? He's fucking faster than a ninja.

"Yes I'm", he whispered in my ears.

He is breathing directly on it, making me uncomfortable. When I tried to get away from his grip, the harder it becomes. How the hell does he knows what I'm thinking? Is he just assuming it? He seems like a pro at kidnapping people.

"I'm not assuming and yes I'm kinda pro at... You know what", he whispered it again.

Well his grip and having psychic powers does makes me more uncomfortable.

"Please lemme go. I miss my home", I whined.

"You should have listened to your Mum at first place, so it's not my fault and you're not going anywhere", he softly says like its a normal thing.

Before I could say or protest, he said, "You wanna know what am I, right? Hope you can guess it, after this".

Then I felt something sharp piercing on my shoulder, it's so painful then it started to burn like hell.

Something like thick liquid began to flow. I touched it to feel and I realized the truth. WHAT!! It's my blood... I started to panic, my adrenaline rush is on its peak. Fuck he's sucking on me, on my blood, what a psychopath. It hurts.

Now I was hundred percent sure he's a psycho. Who feeds on a human blood? He's too normal to be a cannibal either. Normal in the sense of his look and the way he talks.

I love fantasy, horror, legends, myths, so I've read few things from around the globe and cannibals didn't have normal features after consuming human flesh.

The one distorted picture I saw on google is what I'm comparing him with. But wait a second some sharp thing pierced my skin and I don't think he carries a needle or sharp razor blade on his mouth as his hands were busy gripping on mine.

After struggling for quite a moment and analysing what he might be I came into a conclusion.

"Fuck, you are a V-V-VAMPIRE", I blurted out before I fell unconscious.


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