Chapter 4 - Second-Hand Embarrassment

Start from the beginning

He had a frown on his face which btw definitely didn't suit him.

"Not everyone is like what you think about them or have probably heard from others, Isabella Williams."

Stop guilt-tripping me boy. It ain't gonna get ya anywhere.

I said internally in a bitchy attitude.

He started to walk away. I just stood shocked recalling what I had done. I turned around and saw he was already halfway down the hall.

How fast does he walk? What is he? Usain bolt?

URGH!!!! Fuck it.

I ran towards him as fast as I could.

"Dave!" I shouted loud enough for him to turn around and stop in his track. I finally reached him and started panting.

Was it just I or the oxygen level has actually decreased?

"What do you want" he snapped.

Oh. Trying to turn the tables now, are we? He was using the same tone as I did a while ago.


Letting my ego down to a whole new level, I closed my eyes and said

"I am sorry"

He blinked.

I blinked.

He blinked.

I blinked.

Then we both blinked at the same time.

What am I doing? Dude I don't want to play the blinking game with you. I just want to go to some class and doze off.

Why the fuck isn't he answering? Was he that angry? Damn. This boy will get on my last nerves if he says something stupid.

But I said sorry. He had this weird expression on his face which I couldn't make out. Man, I am not good at identifying expression and this man is definitely not helping. Gosh, this silence is killing me.

"I am not much of an expert in reading minds so you might wanna say your thoughts out loud." I finally said after he tested my patience enough.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Oh, so now he wanted me to say that again. Nope boy, not happening.

"The very first word of your last sentence."


I might be having a comeback right now, making me look bold but my heart said otherwise. It was beating so fast that I was afraid my ribcage would get dents. Did that make sense?

See I don't make sense when I am nervous.

This was probably because this is the first time, I have initiated a conversation but I didn't regret it the slightest bit. I had to get this burden off my chest. Otherwise, every time I meet those pair of eyes again, I will feel terrible for misjudging.

He never asked me any inappropriate question neither did he try anything. Yet I acted like a douche bag. I kept staring at him thinking that this wouldn't have happened if I hadn't snapped. And I wouldn't be dealing with this shit right now.

"Earth to Isabella." He said waving his hand right in front of my face.

"Oh sorry, what were you saying?" I asked, totally ashamed of my behavior as I should be paying attention to him and getting this done with.

"If you wanted to stare at me you could have just asked." He said with a smirk.

There you go. That smirk meant that he was not mad anymore. I rolled my eyes and started walking past him when he held my head. I turned immediately, stunned by his action.

"You are not forgiven yet" he frowned and said.

Oh boy, that frown doesn't suit your face.

I sighed and tries to explain myself. "See, I don't know what got over me. It's just that I am having a bad day and this situation is certainly not helping me at all. Can you please forgive me?" Hmmm, I think my speech was convincing enough because he smiled.

"Only on one condition."

And I was wrong. Again. Now he was acting like a jerk. Just let it go, dude.

"What?" I raised one eyebrow as I tried to sound as calm as possible.

"Spend the lunch break with me for two continuous weeks, starting from today. "








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