chapter 10

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Eric POV

I woke uo feeling sore and very well used. When i turned over to wake Bruce up, i winced at the pain all over my body.

He heard my whining and woke up.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked with concern burning through his eyes.

"Oh its nothing just a little ouch, sore." I said as i grabbed onto Bruce's arm for support. He took me by my waist and flipped me over gently and made sure that he didnt hurt me.

"Poor Eric. Are you gonna be okay? I mean, i did fuck you pretty hard." Bruce confessed.

"Yah babe. Im great, actually. I want you to kiss me though." I said as i climbed on top of him and minded the pain that was in my joints.

I pumped his cock as we made out. I had my tounge in his mouth and my hand wrapped around his soft and sensitive cock.

"Wait, Eric." Bruce stopped me.

"Did i do something wrong? I can keep my hands to myself if thats what's wrong." I said worriedly.

"No silly. I just. I want to confess something to you. I know its reallg early in our relationship, but I think i love you." Bruce said. His eyes weren't full of lust anymore. They were full of love.

"I love you too." I said. I went in and kissed him deeply. His lips softly met my neck and nipped a bit.

"D-dont stop." I begged. He pushed me onto the bed softly. Nothing very sexual happened. All we did was make out.

Bruce is everything I've ever wanted and dreamed of in a person. We love eachother, and thats all that matters. I dont care what anyone else thinks. If they think badly about me and Bruce loving eachother, then I'll see them hell.

No one will never change the way i think about Bruce. Ever.

i was made for loving you (Bruce Kulick X Eric Carr)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt