chapter 3

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Eric POV    June 8th 1991

I woke up in a hotel bed. All i remebered from last night was Bruce carrying me up the stairs and into some suit hotel bedroom. Thats all. But, how did i get into just my boxers? I guess it doesn't really matter.

"Bruce! Where are you?" I yelled.

"Im in the bathroom. Whats wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to make sure you were still alive." I said jokingly as to lighten up the mood.

"Oh yah. I got slaughtered last night and now I'm dead." Bruce exaggerated.

"Oh too bad. I wasn't teady for you to die yet. I could've used just a few more hours with you to say goodbye. Then i would let you go." I said with a chuckle. Bruce laughed a bit too.

"So, what do you wanna do today?" Bruce asked.

"Well, we have rehearsal first. I dont know. Let me think about it." I said.

"K. Do whatever you need to, foxy." He said. It made me blush whenever he called me foxy.

"Im gonna throw some clothes on and then we can go. The place where were rehearsing is walking distance." I explained.

"K." He said.

I threw on a black shirt and some black leather pants.

I threw on a black shirt and some black leather pants

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"Hey foxy, what do you think o- woa

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"Hey foxy, what do you think o- woa. Looking good foxy." Bruce said. I blushed a bit.

"Thanks. I just thought it would be nice to dress up a bit." I said.

"Yah. You look really good though. Im not even lying." He said.

"Thanks. Should we go now?" I asked.

"Yah. Were gonna leave if we dont get our asses up and down to the rehearsal studio." Bruce said.

We grabbed our room keys and headed out the door and onto the side walk. It was about a 15 minute walk.

We talked shit about some people, laughed, and did all sorts of stupid shit. Once we got to the rehearsal studio, we walked in and got ready.

i was made for loving you (Bruce Kulick X Eric Carr)Where stories live. Discover now