The claimings

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My cabin mates are awesome! I hope I'm a child of Hermes!! The twins seemed to have made afriend as well.
"Hey, Percy! You want to sit with us?" Maia O'Sullie asked. Of all Hermes's daughters, Maia was my favourite. She has a great sence of humour, and plays the best pranks ever. The Stoll (Connor and Travis) brothers were my favourite sons of Hermes, for the same reason Maia was my favourite daughter of Hermes.
"Nah, I'm good thanks Maia. Don't want to risk annoying dad." Percy replied. Maia laughed. See what I mean? That girl has a great sence of humour!
"Fair enough. If you get lonely, you know where to find company!" Maia grinned.
"Thanks Maia." Percy said, and headed over to his table.
"Who was he?" I asked. Travis grinned.
"Percy Jackson, Poseidon's only child." he told me. Just then, food appeared before us. "Come on. We have to offer some to the Gods." Travis told us. We nodded, and got up, with the rest of Camp. When I sat down again, I looked ouround the room as I ate. Most cabin tables had a lot of Campers, but there was one table with no Campers, one table with only one Camper (that was Percy, meaning that was the Poseidon table) and one table with only two Campers: a boy and a girl. Connor saw me looking and explained why they didn't have as many Campers.
"So," he said. "After WW2, Poseidon, Hades and Zeus, now called the Big Three, vowed never to have children again, since they're too powerful. That table's for the Hades cabin. Hades' only children are Harry Johnstones and Layla O'Rieley. That table's for Zeus' cabin. His only child protects the Camp. It's a long story...."

After dinner, we all gathered round a campfire. Not many people actually stayed in their cabin groups for this, they just sat with us. For example: Percy sat with Occeanna and Ceanna, and then a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes and Grover sat with him. According to Luke, if a Camper gets claimed, it happens here.
"Oh my Gods!!!!!" The girl next to me squealed. My guess is that she's a daughter of Aphrodite.
"What?" I asked her.
"Look! Oh my Gods, oh my Gods it's so cool!" I looked at where she was pointing. The twins both had tridents above their heads. People kept saying 'oh my Gods.' A centaur who Maia told me was Chiron the Camp director announced,
"Hail Occeanna Cleovatia, daughter of Poseidon. Hail Ceanna Cleovatia, daughter of Poseidon."
"Oh my Gods..." I muttered. Poseidon wasn't meant to have kids. If I thought Maia looked scared earlier, she looked horrified now.
"It's just as I thought. This is bad. Very bad." She said.
"Bad how?" Edward and I asked.
"Remember how I said Poseidon couldn't have kids? Well, children of the Big Three attract monsters from Hades. Unless they're children of Hades. Then the attract Cyclopes from Poseidon." Connor explained. That didn't sound good. That's when people started staring at Edward and I. It was the same as the twins, but not as extreme. I could only guess that our dad was claiming. Chiron just proved that to me.
"Hail Edward Cleovatia, son of Hermes. Hail Tiani Cleovatia, daughter of Hermes." Hermes? YES!!!!!! I was so happy, I couldn't believe my ears.

The next day, I heard Natalie Quick talking to the girl who sat next to Percy the night before.
"So," Natalie said. "if Percy's Seaweed Brain/Kelp Head, don't you think the twins need nicknames too? Probably something funny, but not too offensive."
"Nat, why are you asking me this?" The girl asked.
"Because, Annabeth, you're the genius who came up with both Percy's nicknames."
"Yeah, because I hang out with Percy a lot! I barely even know the twins!" Annabeth said, sounding shocked. I guess the twins are getting sea related nicknames.

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