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Seraphina's POV

"Hello!" A familiar voice said startling me I snap my head over to the front to see John, the light-filled room showcasing him, I cringe just seeing him. 

"My name is John. I'm looking forward to meeting you all! And I hope we can get along!" He introduced himself like he didn't know how the world worked, how could he act so nice... Everyone who weren't paying attention to the teacher was now looking at the front of the class.

...What do I do?! Do I try to get a reason by being his friend or keep my distance...? If I try to get a reason by becoming his friend... It just seems like I have some sort of ulterior motive and don't actually want to be his friend... 

I rest my chin on the palm of my hands looking out the window deep in thought watching the clouds go by, one after another. 

ARGH, WHAT DO I DO?! THIS WHOLE TIME TRAVEL THING JUST SEEMS SO EXTENSIVE, SO DIFFICULT, SO OUT OF RANGE FOR ME TO COMPREHEND! I could forget what happens in the future so I can live out a regular life but if I do, I could lose my ability! my eyes furrow in frustration wanting to smash my face in, but instead, I grip my face tighter as if it was some sort of stress ball.

...Maybe if I just avoid the missing ability thing... Things could be the same... But how am I suppose to reenact every single detail... I already got rid of my perfect label in my time...

Suddenly hearing something fall to the ground I turn around where it the sound came from to see John on the ground beside a fallen chair with a loud thump. 

Out of pure instinct of seeing him injured almost made me activate my ability to try and protect him but... We don't know each other at this time... I bit my lip trying to stop myself gripping my fists, damn I hate it, I hate it so much!  

"Gross. I can't believe I just spent all that time talking to someone like you!" Elaine hissed looking down at him with disgust as John looks down and starts picking up his stuff off the ground... I take in all the details... John's disappointing glare, his frown, the bite on his lip... Was it the moment he got here he regretted everything...? Only recently am I seeing how two-faced these people are... Is Elaine... One of them...? 

"How boring... Another weakling."

"Stupid new kid getting our hopes up for nothing."

My breathing quicked, my anger was being tested by everyone, but I quickly sadden thinking back to John... He's... He's more powerful than all the royals combine maybe even me... Yet he's doing this to himself... Why John... How do you deal with this... When I became a cripple I couldn't even handle 2 days...

I... I want answers... but I can't... Get one...


I'll figure out eventually I swear it, John.

I focus on John who seems to have been peeking over at me by the corner of his eye, did he recognizes me?! Did he get time traveled too?! Am I able to get some sort of answer?!

He looks away from me and continued to glance around the class, maybe I'm just overthinking it. He finally recollects everything and stood up sternly showing a slight smile which could be misleading for a frown, he continued packing seemingly disappointed. 

Argh at this point I just want to help him... He looks so disappointed and sad...

Should my goal be to try and keep the same old John that I know and... Like a friend...?  Or only try to get my answer...? He must've had a reason to lie... Right? Wait... If I befriend him to the moment his dad comes along I could get some answers! 

"Huh? How? You hung up on me last week and ignored my calls afterward"  John's dad said angrily at his son.

...John's dad only came because of John ignoring him... I have to get John to ignore his dad... GODDAMNIT I'M IN 20XX, would his dad react the same way now?

I need a day for myself, I'm being too overwhelmed by this, I guess I'll just skip today. 

Freezing time I get up walking to the door grabbing the frame before looking over the class glancing over at John who started to try and leave the classroom. 

You played it off so well, I don't know-how, you have so much power yet you torture yourself. 

When suddenly a memory came through my head, John's going to be attacked in the courtyard, that's where I can befriend him! 

But do I really want to...?




Walking through the halls to my next class I noticed Evie holding onto her books tightly walking cautiously yet quickly... 

Damn, I was so focused on John I forgot about Evie! What am I suppose to do? I'll try to befriend her soon but it'd but tough since I'm no longer a low tier anymore and is now 3 tiers above her... But this is especially tough since I have no idea how her personality is since it's in this year...

It's lunch now so John should be getting in that fight. 

I activate my ability almost frightening everyone in the halls before instantly disappearing to their eyes. 

I ran in frozen time to the courtyard before unfreezing time when almost arriving at the door outside. I felt so fast after so long of not having an ability, I need to get adjusted to this.

I open the door and tried to play it natural walking past the alleyway. 

"HEY! CAN YOU HELP ME OUT HERE!" I heard almost instantly.

(Thank you for reading! Please vote it motivates me :3 983 Words)

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