Chapter 30 Across the Moors

Start from the beginning

"You look like a little rag-a-muffin pirate, Em," Amanda teased then laughed at her sister and Emeleth twirled around.

"Your pants are way short of you ankles," Emeleth teased her in response. "We're riding bareback today, I got a basket lunch for us. Leave your boots here we wont need them."

The grooms had left the saddle-less horses for them and were nowhere in sight. The four of them mounted their horses and Emeleth opened the coral's gate. Then mounting her horse led them out. Smoke was snuggled in its carry sack which Amanda had slung over her shoulder. They all had their hair in down and it streamed behind them as they rode across the lawn.

"I've never ridden bareback," Kim said.

"We will just set a slower pace," Emeleth said. "Let's have brunch in our little meadow then we can explore the bog." Emeleth took the lead of the little group of explorers.

When they reached their destination Stephanie spread a blanket on the ground after they tethered the horses. Kim and Jill set out the picnic brunch and Amanda released Smoke to roam around. Emeleth took two of the hay bails David had placed near the tack line and broke it open for the horses. Then they sat on the blanket and ate. After they finished eating they descended the the tree lined hill and stepped carefully onto the bog. At first they noticed nothing as they walked on the soft moss covering the surface of the mud. The ground began to soften more beneath their feet.

Emeleth stooped over and plucked some of the moss, "This is sphagnum moss. It completely blankets the water." She bounced and a pattern of waves developed on the carpet of moss. Emeleth kept bouncing until she lost her balance and fell on her bottom laughing.

"How do you know what it is was sphagnum?" Jill asked.

"Davie has a book on bogs. Oh, look an orchid." Emeleth picked the tiny orchid and put it in her hair using her ear the the temple of her spectacles to hold it in place. Look, aren't I bootiful?"

"You're absolutely beautiful, Em," Stephanie said.

"Lets bounce together and make really big waves," Emeleth said and the five of them began bouncing together laughing. They resumed crossing the bog skirting the lake. Amanda was leading when Smoke started to bark at her.

"Come Smoke." The dog barked again and backed up. Emeleth got on her knees to examine the moss.

"There's a break in the mat here, Manda. If you stepped here you would go right through. Emeleth peeled back the mat. "It's really watery mud under the mat. Could you hand me the big stick, Kim," Emeleth said pointing. Kim brought the stick. It was thin and over ten feet long. "Let's see how deep it is." Emeleth pushed the pole into the muddy and had her arm in up to her elbow.

"Did you find the bottom?" Kim asked.

"No. Smoke saved you, Mandy. We would not have been able to get you out," Emeleth said.

"Smoke somehow new the carpet was thin there," Amanda said with awe as rubbed her little dog in gratitude.

"Shouldn't we go back?" Stephanie asked.

"No, we let Smoke lead. Stay close together and if you feel like you falling hold you arms out like this," Emeleth said demonstrating. "That way we can grab you and pull you out."

"Where are we going?" Jenny asked.

"There a creek just ahead. Seeley Creek, it drains into the bog." Emeleth said.

"And you know this because?" Amanda asked.

"Nigel mentioned it and Davey said it led to Minnow Pond and there was some nice quicksand there."

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