Chapter 21 Lost Dog

Start from the beginning

The trip to New York was uneventful, but but the missed their planned start by two day. By the time they reached New York they had little time left to embark on the steamer.

Emeleth walked onto the gangplank, both she and Amanda were holding on to David's hand. The sheer size of the ship was awe inspiring. The enormous stacks of the steamier reached high into the sky dwarfing shore side buildings. Everything was built of iron and it was thick resonating with strength and durability. The ponderous gangplank alone seemed more solid then the pier from which it originated. The huge steam powered capstan with is heavy wheels and pinions connecting it to steam power and it's thick cables easily lifted the heaviest loads into the hold. The first officer stood on the deck dressed in his naval uniform directing as scores of roughly dressed seamen worked in some strange choreographed dance of preparations. Emeleth had butterflies in her stomach as they walked into the main salon. This would be the room they would attend all public activities. They would take meals hear, read, write and handle correspondence. The entire two thousand passengers would congregate here. It would be a place of social intercourse and would act as a sick room for those who were ill. David chose a group of seats at the row of tables to mark with cardboard placards as unofficial reservations for them.

Amanda was anxious to see the room she would share with Emeleth. David had told them the rooms were all first class. But the room she was shone made her face drop. The room was tiny, it had two bunks along the wall. One bunk above the other. The bunk was narrow but the mattress thick. The bunks had drawers under them. The room had a narrow settee along the opposite wall on the door side of the tiny room. The settee had a thinly padded seat and more storage under it. The room had a small sink and a mirror on the right side of the room as you walked in.

"This room is for you and Em," David said. " I will be rooming with Greg just two doors up. Pat and Steph next door, the maids to your left and Sean will have his own room down the hall, about five doors down."

"I thought we would be together," Emeleth whispered sounding disappointed as she looked at David.

"I'll help the steward with your luggage, then we can watch the ship get underway. If you need anything ask a stewardess they are were helpful and knowledgeable." Emeleth nodded. She wanted to cry as this entire experience was so overwhelming but Amanda seem happy and enthusiastic so she forced a smile and nodded. Numerous visitors and well wishers now left the ship as tearful good buys by friends and family were exchanged and the cry, "all ashore," was given

The last person to come aboard was the Capitan. He was dressed impeccably in his uniform. He walked exuding confidence and control. He was older than Emeleth expected and not much over five feet seven. It was his glorious whiskers that impressed Emeleth the most. He was clean shaved except for his long wide gray sideburns than extending several inches below his jaw. The seaman on board as well as a number shore side workers became active. The ponderous gangplank was moved by the steam capstan to the pier as if it weighed no more than a straw. The ship began to throb to the steady vibration of it's heart. The ship came alive. Bow and stern lines were thrown off and the steam whistle blasted. It was a deep and mournful sound Emeleth thought. The enormous propellers began to slowly turn. The stern of the ship became a whirling mass of water. Passengers gathered along the side waving handkerchiefs as the huge ship crept forward and off the dock. There was a loud crack as the departure cannon fired. As the the distance off shore increased the speed slowly built. Once free of the harbor the motion of the ship altered as they were subjected to the increasing swells of the Atlantic.

They little party stood and watched as New York City Harbor was slowly left behind. "If we are lucky," David said, "we'll see the coast of Newfoundland soon. Then it's nothing but ocean until Ireland and Liverpool. Amanda felt ill and her belly queasy. She had read stories of storms and floundering ships. She hand never even been in a rowboat. David seemed so confident and she silently wished she did too. Maybe she could convince him to share a bunk. Having him hold her would help diminish much of her seemingly irrational fear. Amanda loved the feeling of the wind in her face, the steady roll of the ship, she held her little black and white dog in her arms watching. Smoke just slept in her arms not a care in the world.

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