Tiho's plan

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Sarah is off her chair at Issabella's decision; her face smothered with disgust. A wave of disappointment strikes Sarah leaving her whole body tense. Getting out her phone to decipher Issabella's true intention leads to nothing that would posses Sarah to do the same. Nothing. Slowly her attention turns to Issabella's proud smile and the thunderous applause from the crowd. This worsens Sarah's tension.

I'm certain she had the same idea as me but she..! She..!

All she can do is stare with a compelling urge to shout in Issabella's face at the opportunity gone. Even going down there to shake some sense into her if needs be. A chime from her phone snaps Sarah out of it. She sighs in frustration and gets her phone out. It's an urgent message:

          Sarah I am texting to ask for
          approval for a section 38. Please
          don't discredit it right away. For
          further information I have sent
          you a link. I think you will find it
          intriguing as I did.

Sarah clicks on the link going through the information with ease. Links here are not the security threat they can be on Earth. With mobile technology arriving shortly ago, thieves have had little time to hone their skills. Even so the government are five steps ahead.
There is no debate needed for Sarah to make her decision accepting it after only seconds of viewing it. Now her only thought is to see the outcome of this decision.

Outside the stadium a group has gathered in numbers with members holding up signs loudly chanting 'stop the games!', 'We reject your help!', 'Tell us the truth!' Followed by shouts of approval and spiteful insults towards the government. The rest are putting their back into anyone who dares enter. Despite their surprisingly coordination towards their goal, Sarah can sense diverse feelings being emitted. Most seem to believe that what they are doing and their goal are just. Few though seem to be there for the thrill; praying to be involved in a throw down right there and then.

Sarah's hand goes immediately to pull up her pitch black hood. The only thing the group hates more than the government is the "King" or "Queen" of the game. If they got their hands on Sarah well, she let's her createful imagination tell her.

Founded just after the rioting quietened  down, PASS (Public Against the Simulation Service) concerns itself with developing an antidote for the immortal vaccines and shutting down the games. Only foreseeing one of those things, the government fails continually to uncover all the "labs".
Locations of any lab being confidential to almost all members does not help the government. Crowds gathering is little more than a nuisance to the government though actively trying to stop the games or finding an antidote leads to an ironic treatment. Members, doing so, are given the real antidote, tourchered and killed.

Before Sarah's thought to turn back became action some members turn and face her.
'Leaving the games? Don't blame you ma'am.'
Upon hearing the man's voice more PASS members turn around.
'Good girl!'
'Don't bother coming back!'
'Fuck the games!'
Sarah wants nothing more than to rap her hands around the man's neck to break it. A nice way of saying thanks for cutting off her escape.
She takes a deep breath making her way through the crowd.
Walking through the crowd is like making her way through a pit full of lions. Adrenaline is being pumped into her veins telling her 'take action or die.' She can't. A nervous twitch or even rushing can bring upon suspicion especially if you are already hiding your face.

Apart from her heavy breathing, Sarah can hear nothing. This pleasure is short lasting with a women shouting out
'I recognize her!'
A man bursts out in a cackling laughter. 'Sure you do! She reckons she knows everyone!'
'No it's not like that!'
Another person has officially made it on Sarah's to break their neck list; the women's name making it right to the top. If there was ever a time for rushing it is now.

Getting past the last row the women's voice comes again.
'That's Sarah! The one those inviaciles call their Queen!'
Sarah needed not for her to say more. She runs as fast as she can.

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