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There was a thud outside making Erik Lehnsherr jump. And then a groan. Erik stood up from his chair and went to look out of the window of his "house". Erik was a spy for a group called RWG. Or the Regular Watch Group. His father had signed him up when he was twelve. Erik was now twenty. Oh and his father is the king. So there's that.

Erik is a prince. Though he doesn't act or look like one. Erik lives like a Regular. A Regular is a non-mutant. Erik was a mutant. He has a small ability to control metal. The RWG used to train Erik to use his powers for the army. But they gave that up after everyone realized that the prince could fit into the Regular's world easily. They didn't have to worry about him not being able to take the throne. The throne would go to Erik's older brother Hank. Hank was only a year older than Erik. But he was older so he was chosen to be the heir of Blitzville Kingdom. The Kingdom was hidden away from the Regulars. The Regulars were given a more common place to live with a democratic government while the Kingdom obviously had a  monarchy-themed government. 

Both the Blitzville Kingdom and the Regular's World were midevil-themed. They didn't know anything but a mid-evil lifestyle. From his window, Erik couldn't spot what had made the noise. Grabbing his sword, Erik made his way to the door. 

He stepped out and looked around. He stopped a limp figure on the ground. Erik, after putting his sword in his stubbard*, he ran over to the man and picked him up. The man looked about Erik's age and had wavy brown hair with pale skin. 

Erik wrapped a limp arm around his neck and helped the young man inside. Just because Erik was a prince of mutants doesn't mean he shouldn't help Regulars. Erik paused. He couldn't tell if the man was a mutant at all. RWH had taught Erik to be able to tell if a person was a mutant or regular. But this man was different. He was kinda cute. This was a surprise as Prince Erik was known to be picky when liking people. 

The prince helped the unconscious man to his bed. As soon as Erik laid the man down, he reached to his neck and checked the man's pulse. It was there. Erik let out a sigh, he was glad to know the man was alive. 

There was a knock on the door. Erik got up once again and went to the door. "Emma." He said coolly. A female was standing outside. She had white blonde hair and very feminine curves. "Have you made up your mind about leaving? You have to pick a side sometime, Erik. You can't keep using the 'Im a prince' excuse. You can come with me to power or stay with the RWH and never have true power over anyone." 

Erik gave a sigh. "I told you already. My mind hasn't changed since. I'm going to go with you tomorrow. I still have to pack." 

"Tomorrow you'll see true power instead of standing behind the King and your brother with no saying whatsoever. You will be able to rule."

"I know."

Emma was a telepath. She was heading to the other side of the war and expected Erik to come with her. Erik planned too. Apparently, all telepaths went to That Side for some reason. 

There was a small groan from inside Erik's house. "I'll see you tomorrow, prince." Emma said, looking over Erik's shoulder. Erik took a step and blocked her view. "Right. Tomorrow." Emma nodded once before turning and throwing a teleportation stone at the ground. A portal opened up and the girl stepped inside before disappearing. Teleportation stones are one of the three ways a person could get to Blitzville Kingdom and leave the Regulars. 

Erik pivoted on his heel and went inside. The man on his bed was twitching. Erik kneeled down next to the bed, wondering if the man was about to wake up. The man let out another groan in pain. Erik examined the man. Erik waited a minuet. The man didn't wake up. He sighed and got up. He got a piece of paper and some ink. 


Life with the Regulars is boring. Not much action that I can find. I haven't found any action but I have found a newbie. He looks about my age but I can't get a read on him. I can't tell if he's a Regular or not. And I don't think I've seen him and I know everyone with the Regular's village. Maybe he's just a traveler. I don't know. But there is definitely something about him. 

I hope the new girl I sent your way has arrived safely. Kitty was her name, right? She's a sweet girl. I always liked her when she was a Regular. Shame she had to be separated. I talked to her parents. They signed the contract. I trust them. I don't believe they would say a word about our world. 

Say hello to my father and Hank. 

How is your relationship with Hank? You tell him yet? I still find it weird that you told his brother instead of Hank himself. Hank, he's hard to read his emotions. I can't tell if he likes anyone! I know he has and probably does but I can't tell who. You know I'm a great reader. 

How are your group of friends? I hope they are good.

It's been a long time since I returned to the castle. Making plans. Maybe I'll come and visit you. 

Miss you, my friend.

Sincerely, Me

Prince Erik Lehnsherr 

Erik finished his letter and went to the window. He muttered a couple words. There was a flash and then the letter disappeared, going to Raven. Raven was one of Erik's early friends. Until he was ten, he was not aloud outside of the castle. 

Raven was one of the youngest servant who worked at the castle between Erik's age of 5 to 10. Raven was three years older than Erik and had been working at the castle willingly. Raven's parents had both died. Raven's father had been close with the king so immediately, the king offered Raven a job and a place to stay. Raven agreed and became one of Erik's favorite servants.

 Raven had always had a crush on Erik's brother Hank and Erik tried to be as supportive as possible. Because if Hank married Raven, then they could be family. 

"W-what the fuck-?" Erik turned sharply to see the man awake. The first thing he noticed was the man's bright blue eyes. "Hello," Erik said kindly. The man looked up at Erik. "Who are you? Where am I? Where's Stryker?" Erik put his hands up to show the man that he didn't intend to hurt him. "What are you wearing?" 

Erik smirked. "I could ask the same for you." Erik noticed the man's strange clothes. Strange black pants with what seemed like a blanket-type of shirt and undershirt. "Is that your year-round Halloween costume? Some sort of prince?" The man asked. Then he paused and looked up at Erik. "You are a prince. Aren't you?" 

Erik looked at him. "How did you know?" 

"I-I... I don't know.. You said it didn't you?" 


"I swear you said it." 

Erik looked at him. "I didn't say it. I thought it." 

*stubbard: thé container that holds the sword. See next chapter for picture

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