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//trigger: (?) maybe some religious stuff. (Reincarnation) \\

Somehow, Charles was drawn to the armory. He made it to a regular door that led to a downward stair case. He came to the bottom and gasped slightly. The room was filled with beautiful weapons and armors that went back thousands of years. Most were in displays. In front of the display was a small paragraph that had the owner and a small background of the weapon or piece of armor. 

Charles, being the nerd he is, started to walk around the squared room. He read each paragraph and examined the displayed piece. There were swords and daggers and shields and chest plates and- the list when on. 

The teenager was surprised about how much history could fit into the room. There was so much. It was crazy.   

Charles heard a loud crack that made him jump. He turned sharply to see a red male standing with a white haired female. "So this is him?" The female asked with a cold voice that made shivers appear on his arms. 

"W-who are you?" He asked. 

The red male nodded. "Definitely him. He has no idea who we are." 

The female smirked. "Why, sugar, I'm Emma Frost and this is my dear friend Azazel. We've come for your ability." Emma said with a small head tilt as she examined Charles. 

"He's not what I expected but at the same time he is. No wonder Stryker chose him." 

Charles stood up straight, "I chose to do Stryker's experiment. He didn't-."

Emma stopped him. "You chose to go with him with no explanation or reason besides for a different hair color while you could've easily dyed your hair. From what Stryker tells me, you do have hair dye from your world, am I correct?" 

Charles nodded once after a second. Emma and Azazel took a few steps toward Charles, cornering him into the smallest corner of the room. 

"When you said my power.."

Emma smirked and tapped her head. "You are lucky that you can ask the voices to stop. Most telepaths don't have that ability. And yours is the strongest of all of ours. That's why we need it." 

Charles shook his head. "No.. I don't enjoy it that much, but it's who I am now. Mutant and proud." 

The cold female smiled a frosty grin. "Sure, sugar. Azazel." 

There was another loud crack as the red man disappeared and reappeared behind Charles with a sharp knife in his hand. Charles lunged at the spot where Azazel had been standing when he heard the crack. 

Charles grabbed the object that he felt most drawn to. A small, golden dagger decorated with beautiful designs and animal heads. Charles felt almost stronger with the dagger in his hand. He stood with the confidence he didn't have before. 

Azazel was about to jump at him. Emma tried to stop him and failed.     Azazel tried to grab the dagger out of Charles' hand. The red male retracted the hand that he had touched the dagger within Charles' hand. There was a large, deep burn through the middle of Azazel's palm. Emma's eyes went wide. 

She tugged on Azazel's suit and whispered. "He's not worth it. Not yet. Let's go and find our new brother and-." She stopped when the door slammed open. 

"Charles!" A voice yelled. 

Erik came racing down the stairs and froze when he saw the scene happening in the armory. "Emma get out of my castle." Erik said sharply. Emma turned. "Why prince Erik. I won't leave without you." 

Erik shook his head. "No. I found a reason to stay. A reason to live. I don't give a shit about you or ruling. Now get out."

Emma glanced at Azazel and nodded. Azazel grabbed Emma's arm and the two were gone. As soon as the crack sound of teleporting could be heard, Erik rushed over to Charles. 

"Charles. Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" 

Charles, pulled away from Erik, dagger still in hand. "Why would you care? You don't care." 

"Wha- Charles. That wasn't- look. My father is a fraud who can posses people. I would never say that. We are going to have to tell ever-." Erik stopped when he saw what was in Charles' hand. His hand went to his mouth. 

"You can pick it up?" Erik asked through his hand. Charles looked confused. "Yes?" 

Erik's hand moved from his mouth to going through his own hair. "Do you know what this means?" 

"That I'm Thor or something?" 

"No. Charles, how do you not know the prophecy?!" 

Charles became more confused as Erik cleared his throat. 

"A Newcomer to our land

A stranger to our people

Yet the truest of as all. 

Meeting the prince will result in the worst war our country has ever faced 

With the light of silver in his hand, the newcomer and our prince will lead troops into battle. 

The results of this war could cost our country everything

Or give us the best pair of kings we've ever had." Erik recited from heart. "It makes so much sense!" 

Charles was still confused. 

"That dagger in your hand is called Silverlight. One million years ago, it was held by King James who shared the throne with his husband King Michael. James' sister Christine was a seer. She made that prophecy. She said that the souls of the two kings would come back to rule again through two new kings. Christine put a spell on Silverlight so that when King James' soul would choose it's next person, the person could hold the dagger and only that person."

Charles was dumbfounded. Erik looked up. "That means... you and Hank?" Erik's voice cracked slightly. "He's the heir. Not me." 

"Hank? I don't... no. Then there must be a mistake. I don't like Hank that way.. Not that way." Charles half-muttered. 

There was a cool breeze that blew. The door was closed and there was no window. The breeze made shivers appear on both men's arms. 

An outline of a female appeared. Her light brown hair was pulled back and her features were soft. There was no color to the woman, just faint outlines that surrounded air. 

No. There is no mistake. Everything is happening correctly. The ghost-like being said. 

"Who are you?" Erik asked. 

The ghost smiled softly. My name is Christine. I am the seer you spoke of earlier.

"How are you here?"

I've been here since you picked up Silverlight. When you picked it up, I was immediately brought here to help the soul of my dear brother. I was just waiting for the right time to appear. 

How about I show you?

The room turned to white and everything disappeared. Both boys try to grab each other both they disappeared, but they were too slow. 

Two Different Worlds (Cherik)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن