Chapter 30: What It's Like To Win Part 2

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): "I'd say so yes. Looks like I'll be fighting side by side with you again Simon."

Simon was grinning now and a smirk crept onto his face. This meant he had thought of some plan for battle already, despite not knowing our opponents, any of the biomes. Also, his plans often weren't that great, but at least he tried, right?

Simon: "We'll take 'em on and show 'em what's fighting really like."

A nurse then walked in and told me to leave a bit so my teammates could get a bit of rest. So, I walked over to the stands of the arena again, trying to find some people I knew who I could watch the rest of the fights with. I'd been patched up pretty quickly, as my aura has been used to getting quite some damage and to healing myself quickly. Entering the arena, I at first didn't see a single person I knew. Well, team CRDL was there, but let's be honest, who would want to sit with them. Before I resumed my search for a seat, I noticed that it was team JNPR who were going to battle next round, which put a smile on my face. I could now cheer on Pyrrha for a bit.

(Y/N): 'I'm sure she'll do well. They're good in teamwork, which is obviously an advantage.'

I also found out by looking at the screen that their opponents were going to be team BRNZ. I didn't know anyone from that team, or so I thought. When taking a look when the team member were displayed on the screen, I recognized one of them: May Zedong.


It was lunch now and a few days after the transfer students had arrived. We were having dinner when a girl came over to our table. She looked really worried and to be honest, I had never really seen her before.

???: "Have any of you seen my beanie by any chance?"

Mike: "Eh, no."

Simon however was more cooperative that day and decided to see if he could actually help, despite him losing time if he'd help for eating lunch. And believe, me the food's good, Simon won't stay away. Then again, this stuff today barely could be called food, so I guess he had every reason to go do something else. The fact all these transfer students now had become part of the daily cycle of business here had caused the budget for food to be spent on more meals and so the quality also dropped. Bit sad they couldn't get a higher subsidy, but well, life's a bit bullshit anyway often.

Simon: "What colour does that beanie have and what happened to it?"

???: "It's black with a red marking on the front, some guy took it from me and hid it somewhere."

Simon: "Must be Cardin then, I think I have some ideas where it could be. Want me to show you miss...?"

May: "I'm May. And you are?"

Simon: "Well, I'm Simon, nice to meet you May. Come on, follow me, I'll show you where I think he hid it."

__Flashback end__

Ah yes, the evidence that Simon can indeed be a gentleman, although he often doesn't really show that. Now, after remembering that good old story, I resumed my search for a seat. Damn, it sure was crowded. I mean, it was the Vytal Festival and all, but still... They could've been a bit more customer friendly at this. I finally found a spot and just sat down, without really thinking of who I was going to sit next to. It could be anyone really and I for the biggest part wouldn't even mind who I sat next to, considering the fact my teammates were all still healing and wouldn't be back in time to see this match and the fact my other good friends of team JNPR were participating in the match, pretty much ruled out a large part of the possibilities. My parents had already messaged me, saying they wouldn't be able to make it here for the first day and were going to show up only tomorrow. That was the thing I missed a lot now, my parents' presence. I really looked forward to seeing them and showing them how much I tried to improve during my stay here at Beacon, but it seemed like that wasn't really going to happen now.

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