Chapter 8: There's No Brian On The Way To Beacon

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Yang POV

The schoolday has ended and so I'm walking home. I now have the name of the kid who could be (Y/N), but I still kinda wonder why mom wanted his name. I mean, it doesn't start with (Y/N) and I doubt his name could reveal that much information. I mean, sure you could change your first name, get adopted, but you won't be able to track it all down like that surely. I got home and opened the door. I saw mom sitting in the living room, so I went to her, considering how she asked me for the guy's name yesterday. We talked a bit and then came the question I was expecting.

Summer: "Did you ask that boy for his name today by the way?"

Yang: "Yes, I think it was Brian (L/N). Why are you asking mom?"

Summer: "Just out of curiosity dear. Why don't you go look for Ruby now? She was looking for you a minute or so ago."

Yang: "Ok mom, see you later."

I waved and then set off to find Ruby. She's probably just in her room, but you know, it's nice to hang out with her a bit.

Summer POV

I don't like not telling the full truth to Yang, my own daughter, but for now it's probably the best. I decided to call Ozpin, maybe he knows something about this (L/N) boy that could tell us something. I called Ozpin and he picked up surprisingly quick.

Ozpin: "Hello Summer, how are you?"

Summer: "I'm fine Ozpin, thank you for asking. I was wondering if you could help me with something?"

Ozpin: "Sure, I'll see what I can do. What's needed?"

Summer: "I was wondering if you could try to find something out about a boy named Brian (L/N). Yang and me think he could be (Y/N)."

Ozpin: "Well, if you really want me to, I can try to find something. But don't you think you should stop chasing a possible ghost? It's been 4 or 5 years since Tai got kicked out of that hospital, trying to beat up a doctor over the possibility that he might have treated (Y/N) for something. That was the last real sign we had since then. I don't want to burst a bubble or take any hope from you, but he could still be dead."

Summer: "NO!"

Ozpin: "..."

Summer: "Sorry, I didn't mean for that to come out like that... But the point is, we adopted him, his life was put into our hands and we failed to protect him. He went missing and we haven't been able to keep him in our hands for that protection. If he's still out there, we need to make that up to him."

Ozpin: "Alright... If you feel it really could be him, I'll try to find out something. But please... If it's not him, stop chasing a ghost. For everyone's sake... It's not good for you."

Summer: "Thanks..."

I hung up. I decided to not really answer that second part of what Ozpin said... But could he be right? It's indeed been years since we got any real sign of life of what could be him... Maybe... Maybe he really didn't get out of that forest alive...

Ozpin POV

After Summer ended that call, I felt a bit sorry for her. It's almost sad and hope giving at the same time that they're still searching for (Y/N) and believe he could still be alive and out there somewhere. But it's been years since Tai called me that he ran away...

Ozpin: 'Well, a promise is a promise... Might aswell call someone...'

I picked up my scroll and started a call with someone.

???" What is it Oz?"

Ozpin: "I was wondering if you could do something for me."

???: "And why the fuck would I want to do another job for you? Last time, it was a wild duck hunt!"

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