"Yes!" She shouts.

Jacob only blushes. Aubrey turns to me.

"Truth or dare?" She asks.

I panic a little.

"Dare." I managed to say.

Aubrey smirks again. "Hug, Jacob."

I hesitated. ""No."

"Why not?"

"Because..." I trailed off.

"What a stupid reason." Aubrey spats.

"Let's stop." I suggested.

"Already? No!" She whined. "Just a few more minutes."

I was ready to curse at her. "Make it quick." I growled.

She smiles. "Truth or dare, Jacob?"

"Truth."He replies.

"Is it true that you may like me?"


"Jacob," she says. "You just broke my heart."

"Sorry, Aubrey but I don't crush on ghosts."

"Why? You have something against them?" I snapped.

"I don't crush on them because they're cold and dead."

Aubrey smirks. "Goth girl here likes a ghost. That is why you offended her."

I turn to her. "Stay out of this you freak!"

"Sorry, Alyssa." Jacob quietly says.

I glare at him. Then I calm down and take 2 deep breaths. "Jacob, you may not know this but I have feelings for a ghost."

"Anyways."says Aubrey. "Truth or dare?"

"Is it true you want to punch Jacob in the face?"

"Maybe." I muttered.

"Pick dare, Aubrey." Jacob says.


"I dare you to leave this room."

Aubrey stays in an dreamy look. "Anything for you Jacob." Then she disappears.

"What a creep." He muttered.

"Sorry if I got mad at you." I say.

It's okay."

I glanced at him and our eyes lock.

His eyes were full of bright and wonder. Wow. I've never actually noticed how his eyes were a beautiful shade of hazel.

I mean I have notice but not this way before.  I was just glad Jacob saved me from the nothing I've become. There's just something about him that I can't even explain.

Then Jacob broken into a smile. I yelp and I'm already feeling nervous I feel so frozen. I feel like I've been sleeping for a thousand years. It seemed like I've opened my eyes to him.

"Why so shy, Alyssa?" he softly asked.

"What do you mean?" I whispered.

"You don't seem to be out going to make friends."

"Because I don't to any more." I then look away.

"I'm your friend."

"I know."I say glancing up at him again.

I felt so lost in his eyes that I didn't want  to be. I don't know why but I heard myself breathing hard that I turned away.

"Are you okay?" Jacob asked.

"I think so." Luckily my breathing went back to normal. I sigh in relief.

"I'm not sure what that was but I'm glad you feel okay now. You almost had me in a panic."

I laugh "I'm okay, Jacob. Wow you're such a caring person. I appreciate it."

"I'm just being me." 

I then realized something.

"How come you hang out with me like all the time and not your friends?"

"Do you want to be alone again?"

"Fair point but what about your other friends?"

"They don't care."

"Wow. At least your my friend, Jacob."


Then there was an awkward silence between us. It got to the point where we could here our selves breathing calmly. I felt so nervous all over again that I hated feeling way.

"Well I better get going." he said gathering his stuff and getting up to leave.

I also up stand up and lead him down the stairs. As we head downstairs I say,

"Thanks for coming over to study."

"It was fun studying with you."  As he was heading out the door my mom then stops us from saying our goodbyes.

"Go now." I whispered. And he did.

"Alyssa. I was trying to meet your friend. You never introduced him to me." My mom says, clearly disappointed.

I just shrug and go up to my room. It's what I like to do best.

I'm just sitting around when I got lost in my thoughts. Just wow. Well that was a pretty intense studying session. I just hope that never happens again.

Now that I think of it I miss, Cody so much I want him here now.

I feel so frozen without his love and voice. Now that I know what it feels like without his love, I need them.

Oh, Cody, where are you? I need you here by my side. I have no one else but you. You know I'll never forget you. Just come back already. I feel lonely again now that my friend has left. Why am I feeling so mushy. I'm not sure if I felt this way with anyone before. Of course not. I've been always a loner.

Suddenly  I felt a presence. I glanced at the direction were it was and it was Cody. What a surprise.

"Where have you been all my life?" I asked, walking towards him and giving him a hug as I trembled of coldness.

"Sorry I took so long. Aubrey was holding me up." he says hugging me back.

"I'm just glad you came. I missed you. I felt so lonely without your love."

He chuckles. "Well I'm here now. And together we'll be one."

"I know we will."

Releasing me he took my hand.

"I will always be there for you, okay?

I smile but in my head I wasn't so sure about that.

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