The gut feeling

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Whoo baby! I walked away from that wretched building. After awhile I decide to take off in flight and stretch my wings.
One two three! I jump to give me start but then I fall on my face. What the heck! I keep trying to expand my wings but something's stopping me! What if the strapped my wings down and I can't reach my back! Oh my gosh! I bring my hands to my face only to hit something and to feel soft cotton brush my face. Oh yeah I'm in a disguise! Duh! I'm not going to toss it though it represents the day I broke free and I'm in nothing but a white sheet dress and it's cold. Instead I rip two holes in the back of the coat, toss the goggles and take off not falling on my face this time.

I love flying! I'm free! I don't know what to do now. Then I hear something. One of the most scariest thing in the world. It's a deep rumble. MY STUMMY! (Stomach/tummy something I personally created)

Just then I smell strawberries. I've always dreamed of eating one. Those jerk scientist always ate things in front of me taughnting me. As I slowly lower myself I hear voices of people battling not just any people my forgotten family. Eventually I got an idea I landed walking distance away from the battle. I pull in my wings and yell with all my might.

"STOP" all the erasers look at me. I see them trying to stuff the crew in bags. " I was sent to tell you to leave them alone we don't need them right now. Just go back." They flew off. Heading in the direction of the school without even questioning me. Dang the coats got some power. I did a quick head count. 1,2,3,4,5 . Ok wait what there's supposed to be six! There's max, fang, Iggy,nudge, gazzy, and angel. Wait no angel. They probably didn't bring her I told the erasers to just go. They probably left her home. Yeah that's what they did.

Just as I was done thinking that I heard a groan. I turned towards the noise and see fang getting up. I struggle to take off almost tripping on the coat.

Fang's POV
My body's aching. I struggle to get myself sitting upright. One of my eyes are already swollen shut but I can make out a white coat tripping and stumbling over their coat like and idiot but then having wings sprouting out of there back and flying off. Never mind that how's the flock? I turn and see everyone knocked out only to realize angels gone.

5078 POV
I should have grabbed some strawberries I'm still hungry. After flying around a little I hear a large explosion. Using my excellent vision I see max hanging on to a chopper with an eraser pointing a gun at her face. The eraser was none other than ari. They turned him into a monster. I can't believe jeb would let that happen.
'I should go help' I thought 'no I shouldn't they have nothing to do with me. I have nothing to do with them. They've changed I've changed. I'm alone and that's how it's ment to be. They don't even know I exist.' Looking up I notice everything has calmed down and max is off punching a tree. I guess that my queue to leave and so I did. I left but I didn't get to far until my vision started to drown out. My vision blackened and I can feel myself falling until I land with a thud.

Iggy's POV
I can hear max punching a tree. Gazzy is crying. And of course fang is silent. And nudge is crying as well. I try and be tough but I can't tell if it's working or not.
Max is back.
"Let's head back home, clean up, and make a plan B." She says. We're all to tiered to fly back so we just walk. After some walking I hear a small crack. It's probably just some sticks or something. Then I lose my balence and trip over something. Dang it curse those white coats for making me blind.
"What the heck was that!?" I yell. It's been one heck of a crappy day.
"You just stepped on a white coat!" I heard nudge say. Great I thought something to take my anger out on. After I get up I lift my leg and bring it down that is until I hear fangs voice.
"Stop." He demands. "She's not a white coat. She's to young. And I saw her helping us earlier."
I take a step back and listen to what max has to say.
" bring her to the house we can ask her about what's going on she might know something." I hear her being lifted up probably by fang.

Nudge's POV
After we get home I go and snuggle into the couch and silently sob. Fang sets the girl on the couch. she's wearing on of the hospital gowns from the school. she probably just escaped! I see Iggy wipe his arm across the table making a mug hit fang in the head.
"WATCH IT"fang says sternly.
How are we going to get angel back. it won't be the same. I want it to go back to when we would have fun playing tag and I would talk cheerfully. I was sitting next to the unconscious girl in the white coat. Iggy came to sit down but he missed the couch and sat right on top of the girl.
"Um Iggy" I said my voice was shaky. He just grabbed my head and positioned me so that my head was on his shoulder.

5078 POV
I felt something heavy sitting on my stummy as my eyes fluttered open. I hear gazzy's shaking voice.
"But they were in a chopper. They're way gone. They could be anywhere. Like china or something."
I started laughing even though there's some fat A** on top of me. He was just so adorable.
"Do you even know where China is kid? And dude can you get off." When I looked up I saw Iggy. I instantly sat up. Then my stomach growls. I just have perfect timing don't I. They ended up giving me a sandwich. I turn my head a little and see nudge. See has the looks of dispare. Everyone is quiet now. I neel in front of nudge.
"Hey little missy what's your name?"
"Nudge" she says quietly. Wow the loud mouth is quiet something's wrong.
"Well nudge would you like to help me with a little joke?"
Fang interrupts before she can answer. "I don't think now is the right time for a joke."
" it's always the right time for a joke." I say to him. "Well miss nudge? Will you help me?"
She nods.
"Knock knock"
"Who's there?" Everyone is quiet it's a little creepy. Omg there going to interrogate me soon. Crap.
"Aardvark who?"
"Aardvark a hundred miles for one of your smiles!" She started giggling and smiling. "There it is!" I said. I earned a couple giggles from others.
"Oh oh my turn." I hear gazzy come over. "Ok go" he say's looking at me.
"Ok Mr. ..."
"Gasman, or gazzy."
"Ok Mr. Gazzy. Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Abbott who?"
"About time you answered the door!"
" hahahahaha ANGEL COME HERE THIS GIRL IS FUNNY!" He yelled looking upstairs expecting her to come down. Then he instantly looked down with sorrow in his eyes.
"What's wrong kiddo?" I asked he burst into tears and started sobbing out the story on how angel got kidnaped. So I was wrong she's not here. should've listen to my gut feeling.
Max's POV
After gazzy finished the story he ended up in the girls arms sobbing on her shoulders. I saw nudges lip quivering and she went down next to the girl and cried into her other shoulder. It was wierd it was like she was family like she belonged here. She was nodding as if she was thinking and understanding the situation.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked looking up at me. Her eyes they looked like Fang's. A little lighter. There was something so familiar. "Uhm max?" I was snapped back to reality.
"Oh um yeah. And how do you know my name?" She smiled at me.
"I can read minds"
"So you want to help? first what's your name?"
"I'm subject 5078"

Iggy's POV
She said subject 5078. So she isn't a white coat. she's like us.
"We said your name not your subject number." I may have said this a little harsh cause she didn't respond to me. that's when gazzy chimed in.
"Can I help come up with a name?"

5078 POV
Aww that's sweet.
"You know what. you can name me only if we rescue angel" I smirk at him as if I'm throwing out a challange.
"Are you challenging us?" the gasman asked. I just nodded with my smug face. "You don't think we're strong enough?!"
"I'm giving you a chance to call me something that will last a life time."
He stuck his small hand out as I grabbed it and shook as he said "deal" and this is where my adventure reunited with my family began, but maybe I shouldn't stay we were separated for a reason and if they found out they would hate me.
End of chapter 2
If you can't tell I'm am going to try and stay on the story line of the series and just add little moments.
Do you like the character 5078 so far?
What do you think her name should be?
Until the next time my flying friends :P

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