Grey" I said as I slowly walked to her and hugged her tightly and god she smelt so good

I let her go and she looked me straight in the eyes with lustful eyes as she parted her lips a bit and it took everything in me to not kiss her there

"Let's go home" I said and she nodded seeming a bit dissapointed
I walked to Grace and picked her up from the seat and walked to my mom

"God I always forget, Logan this is Adam my brother and this is Dave my brothers fiancè" I said and I sighed
"Boys this is Logan Grey Anderson my girlfriend and Grace's mom" I said and they all hugged each other

"Uhm Stac since it's Friday today can I.." she said and Stacy stopped her right in the middle of her sentence
"That's why I packed and extra bag, but that's all up to Mrs Rodriguez" she said and my mom smiled

"It's okay sweetheart" she said and I mentally rolled my eyes
"Okay people can we go?" I said impatiently

Stacy and Logan hugged each other and Stacy gave Logan her bag, Mom got into our car and the boys also left us

Once we got home I went straight to the nursery to put Grace to bed
"Do you need some help?" Logan said standing in the door way

"I've been doing this for 5 month's, I'm okay" I said as I kissed Grace's forehead and walked out of the room leaving Logan standing in the door way shocked

"Oh okay" she said as I opend my bedroom door and went inside to change felling scared and mad a bit that I was left to take care of a baby that isn't mine for 5 months
Not saying I don't want her anymore, I do but a little support would've been highly appreciated but then it wasn't Logan's fault

I layed on my bed thinking if I still want to continue with this, but I love them both deeply

Logan's Pov
I walked down the stairs shocked by Phil's remark but I know he only said that because he was tired or something and I know he didn't mean it

I walked to the cupboards and pulled out my favourite sour cream flavoured chips form WoolWorths
"Hey Amber have you realised that Phil is acting kinda strange, I mean I tried helping him with Grace but he just shut me out. He was like he's been doing it for 5 months he's all good" I said a bit worried and she smiled

"He's just got alot on his plate and in due time he'll tell you all of it, just give him time to process everything okay and trust me he loves you both so very much" She said which actually helped me a alot

"Thanks Amber" I said as I hugged her tightly and she smiled
"Don't mention it" she said and I ate the chips with her while she showed me videos and pictures of Grace and Phil which melted my heart

After watching the videos I walked upstairs to Phil's bedroom and found him lying on lying on his back staring at the ceiling

I closed the door behind me slowly so I couldn't disturb his thoughts
"Hey" he said as I turned around which kind off frightened me
"Hi" I said as he walked towards me carefully

I eyed him from bottom to top and as I was about to say something he leaned in but I stopped him before he kissed me
"Woah, we have to talk" I said as I sat down on his gigantic bed

"If this is about what I said, I'm sorry..." I shut him up by placing my hand in the air
"Your mother told me your going through somethings and you'll tell me but I need to know now. If you want our relationship to be healthy there shouldn't be any secrets between us" I kept quite and looked him straight in the eyes

"No matter how gross or hard it is" I said and he nodded
"So are you going to tell me?" I said and he sighed as he stood up and walked a bit farther from me

"Come on Phil?" I said and I stood up and walked towards him slowly
"You know what, it's okay..if you don't want to talk then it's okay" I said as I went straight to bed and switched off the lamp besides me

"Logan get out of the bed" Phil said and I sighed
"You don't want to tell me what's bothering you then you take it all out on me" I said through the blankets

"Logan I want to talk" he said as he pulled them from me and I groaned from the sudden cold rush on my body

"What's your problem!?" I yelled at him
"I don't know!" I yelled at her and she stood up
"You don't know? That's your problem?" I asked him and he sat down on the bed with tears in his eyes

"I'm infertile" he said and those words immediately crushed me
I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly feeling so sorry for him

"I'm sorry I pushed you so hard" I said and he smiled weakly
"You didn't know" he said feeling quite weak I kissed him on the cheek
"But it didn't give me the right to talk to you like that, I was just so confused and mad" I said and she sighed

"Who'll ever accept a husband that's infertile?" He said with a huge lump in his throat
"I will" I said and he turned to look at me with gleaming eyes

"I'll love you even if we can't have kids of our own, we have Grace Phil and she's all we ever need" I said and he smiled

"Think of this as a blessing, she's that can have kids, you already have one" I said and he immediately intertwined our lips together passionately and hungrily

He pushed me down slowly and continued to kiss me passionately while massaging my left thigh and instant butterflies erupted in my tummy

The fault in her eyes Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora