Chapter 4: I'm so sorry

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5 weeks later
"Are you going to check it?" Zach asked me and I sighed
"Here goes nothing" I said as I walked towards the the sink counter and picked the stick up and immediately when I made contact with the lines tears filled my eyes

"Oh my God Zach" I said and he stood up
"I'm pregnant" I said as they flowed freely down
"What!" he said in a loud tone
"I thought you would be happy Zach we both wanted to start a family" I said and he kept quite and looked at me

"Yeah but not now" he said scared and I just smiled disappointedly
"I knew it, the day you told me to go get the morning after pill I knew you weren't ready to be a parent but I didn't go get them because I want this baby I want to have it I don't give a fuck if you go shit yourself or leave me I'm keeping this baby and I'll raise it by myself.." I said and stormed out

"Your so difficult sometimes Zach, so incompetent and heartless" I said
"So what do you want me to do go get an abortion? Huh is that what you want, what if I never fall pregnant again when you're ready to have kids and I can't bear any what are you going to do then? Are you going to get a divorce Zach or are you going to call off the wedding? Is that it because men cannot live with a woman that can't bear any kids right?" I said and he sighed as I was placing the pregnancy test in my bag and taking my car keys

"I'll live with you baby I'll love you no matter what?" He said and I cried
"But how am I going to live with myself knowing that I can't give you children, how am I going to look at you knowing we cannot have our own little baby whom will call us both mom and dad.." I said but was cut off by my phone ringing

"Hello" I said to my gran
"Liam is in the hospital, he's been hit by a car" my gran said and my heart fell
"What, wait where are you?" I said as I started panicking
"We're at Clear water private hospital please hurry" my gran said and I swallowed the huge lump in my throat

"Give me two minutes I'll be there" I said and switched off my phone
"Liam's in the hospital, he's uh been hit by a car" I said
"Let's go we'll sort this out when we get back" he said as he walked out of the house

I followed behind him and we both decided to take his car that way I'll have to come back to his house
Once we got to the hospital I found my Granny and my Cousin sitting in the waiting area

She immediately ran to me and gave me a huge hug
"How is he?" I asked her and she sighed
"He was hurt, badly and by the looks of things he won't make it" my Granny said and tears filled my eyes
"No you cannot say that Grace he has to live, if he doesn't I don't know how I'll ever live" I said and my cousin Emily came to me

"It's okay Zoey he'll fight Liam is a fighter I know it" she said as she hugged me
"Wanna go grab some coffee or some muffins before the doctors come back" she said and I agreed

"So how are you?" She asked me as we sat in the cafeteria
"Besides this whole situation I'm okay" I said and she starred at me
"You don't look okay to me you look distant and tired, what's up?" She asked me and well my cousin knew me very well

I sighed "I'm pregnant" I said and my hand automatically went to my tummy
"Wow I'm so happy for you" she said but I sighed
"I wish Zach felt the same way, he's just being difficult talking about how he's not ready to have kids" I said and she sighed

"Men act differently to knews just because some guy was happy immediately after reviving those kind of knew it doesn't mean Zach'll act the same way, give him time he'll finally adjust and love the both of you" she said and I nodded

"I feel like there's something behind his reaction" I said and she smiled
"Focus on being healthy and having a healthy pregnancy and deliver a beautiful baby" she said and I smiled as she took my hand and looked at my engagement ring

"Let's go check up on Gran and Zach" she said and we followed behind
Once we reached the waiting area we found the doctor standing with my granny
"How is he doc" my gran asked the doctor and he sighed that's not what I expected to hear

"Liam will live but he suffered many injuries, he has 6 broken bones on his left leg and two on his right hand, his neck is broken too and he's suffering from a mild concussion" he said and I sighed in relief

"But we're going to keep him here for the continuation of his treatment and to make sure he can get back on his feet" he said and I smiled

"Can we see him?" I asked him and he smiled
"I'm sorry hun he's still in surgery but you can wait for him until he gets out" he said and I smiled

I turned to Zach with a serious face
"I'm staying here and I'm going to wait for Liam, Grace you can go back home" I said and she nodded

"I'll drop you off and then fetch some warm clothes for all of us" I said
"And when I come back you and I are going to talk about all of this and see how we're going to sort this out" I said and walked out with Grace

Once we reached my home I was packing my bags and Grace walked in with a smile
"Zach told me" she said and I freezed
"He did" I said and she nodded with a bright smile on her face

"You two are going to be great parents and I'm so happy I'll be here to see my first great grand child" she said and my heart melted into millions and millions of pieces

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