Chapter 1 - Intro

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I woke up in a Monday morning. Hearing the sound of my digital alarm clock. Pressed the snoozebar while rubbing my eyes. I don't like the sound of my alarm clock. It sounds like ticking bomb. You know the tick tick kind.Anyway. How do I describe my room? Think, think, think. (Lightbulb lights on my forehead) Aha! The order of adjectives came into my mind. (Getting my notebook and flipping through the pages) There it is! Sorry for the inconvenience. Let's continue the story.I woke up in my small room (yeah that's the only adjective). Still feeling sleepy. Then I heard a loud voice. A very loud one.

"Louise! You're getting late! Get ready now for school!"

Yep. That very loud voice is my mom's. After hearing that, I looked at my digital clock.

"What?! It's 7:30?!" Oh no. School starts at 8:30.I dashed upstairs (yeah upstairs) and ate so fast, I don't know if I can poop so easily. I know, it's gross. And rushed downstairs to take a bath so quick that I might not smell that good. Dressed up in my uniform and combed my hair. Wait, I'm attending to a new school. The uniform is so similar to a sailor uniform, I might look like an anime girl. It has a blue ribbon on the front, a blue miniskirt, and it comes with a blue ribbon ponytail. From what I know, it's optional. But nah, I'll take it. I scrambled out of the door. Getting my bag as I said goodbye to my mom.

"Bye mom! The school ends at 12:00! Be sure to arrive on time!" I said.

"Okay Louise! Just don't get lost or I'll call the police!" She said.I shuddered when I heard that. And for a second, I realized that it was ryhming.

"Whoa. Since when did mom started reciting poetry?" I whispered quietly.

"Louise what did you say?!" she said.

I jumped. Even though she has a loud voice, she has sharp ears."Nothing mom. Bye!" I said.

The service finally arrived. Assuming it is a pirate ship, I climbed aboard it. Seeing two long seats, I went for the left one. After that, I looked at my servicemates. Well, they look normal. Some of the girls are also wearing the blue ribbon ponytail. Did you know that I never took my ponytails off? Well, it's probably messy when I took it off.

After seeing my servicemates, they all glanced at me for a second and looked away. Wow, I thought, they're not that friendly. Better to get some friends.

After 45 minutes, we finally arrived at school. *facepalm. I forgot to introduce the school. The name of the school is Watford College School. Or should I say WCS. Pick one of those two, they're just the same.

Let's go back to the story. All of my servicemates went out and I'm the last.

"Here it is. Time to get lost and let my mom call the police." I muttered to myself. Then someone poked at me. I became startled then looked behind me. It is a girl I saw a while ago in the service. She looked the same age as me. Maybe we're batchmates, I thought.

"Hi! I'm Julia. I assume you're new here. Can I help you find your section?" she said with a normal-toned voice. I studied her. Brown hair, almond-shaped eyes, and... a normal face. She has bangs that is swept on one side. She didn't use the blue ribbon. I observe people I met. I'm weird that way.

She seems nice. Not that popular and not that unpopular. Just between them, I thought.

"Yeah, you can help me find my section. Since I'm new here. I forgot... my name is Louise. Nice to meet you" I said with also a normal toned voice. I observed her movements.

Very normal. Maybe she's sporty because everytime she moved, I see the position of a volleyball player.

"Nice. Let's go to the other building. That's where the 2nd year highschools is." Julia said.

Then she led me to a big building. It's color is like cream and there's a box-shaped thing is... an elevator?! Whoa, this school is rich. And I'm just a middle class.

She led me to the elevator and after we went inside, she pressed "Level 2".

"Now, welcome to the world of WCS. I'm your guide for today so listen closely to me." Julia said acting like an elevator girl. We both laughed since we are the only ones in the elevator. Then we heard the sound of elevator going ting! and we stepped out.

"Whoa! This place is huge!" I said as we passed through the hallway. In the middle of the hallway, was a large crowd.

"I think we found the chart. Let's kick their butts." I said looking very serious. Julia laughed.

"You got some fighting spirit girl. But let's not kick their butts literally, okay?" she said as I nodded.

We pushed through the crowd and finally, we're at the front of the chart.

"Woo hoo! We finally maked it at the top! Now Julia D. Arellano... Bingo! Class 1-C." she said happily.

"Louise M. Dela... There! We're on the same class!" I said. And now, we're jumping together. Plus we're doing high five.

Well, this isn't a bad place after all, I thought. Then I checked my watch.

"Uh oh. It's 8:20. We should go to our classroom now"

"Yeah. My feet are aching. Come on. I'll lead you to our classroom."

We ran as fast as we could. You see, it's a really long hallway. Then we went upstairs. I bumped into someone.

"Ugh. Watch where you're going." I said.

"Hey. Sorry miss. Didn't see you there."

"Wait, are you... Nick?" I said shocked because he looks like my cousin.

"Huh? Oh, hey Louise. Wait... LOUISE?! Are you studying here?!" he said.

Okay, he IS my cousin. Messy brown hair. I also have brown hair. Kinda like an anime style. Suddenly, a few angry memories went into my head. You see, he's a joker, prankster, and a naughty guy. One time when we were little, he used to put a bucket of water at the top my door. So when I opened it, I got a nasty and unexpected surprise.

"Yeah." I rolled my eyes. "Isn't it obvious? It's been a long time since I saw you. I probably still hate you. But before I kick you, what section are you?"

Please not 1-C, please not 1-C. I whispered quietly in my head.

"Haha. I can almost hear you pleading in your head. Class..." Here it comes. "1-C."

OH NO. I can't stay here. Please call the police. Wait, I forgot all about Julia. Then I looked at Julia. She looked SO surprised and... she's blushing. Don't tell me...

"I can read it in your mind, Louise. You're also class 1-C! Come on! We will be late for class." He said grabbing my hand dragging me to the classroom. And I also grabbed Julia's hand and ran. Hey, it's already 8:25. Maybe I will kick him next time. 

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