Chapter 6

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The only sound in the room was our soft breathing. Finally sleeping from exhaustion, I was the first one to wake. Skye was laying beside me. Closer than when she had been when I laid down. She looked so peaceful when she slept. Her brown hair lazily falling every which way. Her hand was currently resting on my chest and I wouldn't move a muscle to save my life right now. This was the first time she was touching me since she stumbled back through the clubhouse doors.

A knock came from my door and I silently cursed who ever may have awoken her. Chibs peeked his head in, glances toward a still sleeping Skye, and nodded toward the direction of the chapel. I gave him a slight nod, trying my best not to wake her. I carefully slip out of the bed, covering her back up. She still hasn't moved. Grabbing a change of clothes and my kutte, I leave my room to get dressed in the hall. Chibs is waiting on me. A look of unease on his face.

"The Guardians broke into Redwoody last night, trashed the place, and spooked the girls. Jax has called church."

I nod, as I zip my jeans.

"Let me take a quick piss and I'll be right there."

My best friend nods before he turns and walks away from me. The Guardians were still in town apparently. Which meant Skye was still a target. Her or any of the other Old Ladies could be on their list of possibilities. Heading down the hallway I make my way to the prospects bathroom.

"I've got some intel from Unser. Turns out The Guardians are trying to patch in with The Mayans. Which makes sense, Alvarez isn't going to let anyone one patch without reason. Trying to get rid of us is that reason. They know we're protective our women. And would do just about anything for them." Jax said as he played with the ring on his left hand.

"So what do we need to do besides keep a close on on all the women and kids? We can't exactly keep them from patching over if he wants it that bad. Happy said as he looked down the table.

"We need to find as much dirt as we can on these guys. Members, bank info, prison records. Everything. Get on it Juice. In the meantime, we need a member to be at Red Woody around the clock. It brings in more cash then Cara Cara. We're fuckedif it goes under."

Bobby and Happy volunteered for the first watch at Red Woody. Jax has business to attend to and Chibs wanted to ride. So once the gavel slammed down I headed back to my room.

I walked as quickly and quietly as I could, needing to get back to Skye. An unprecedented urge to make sure she was safe had engulfed me since she walked back through those doors. 

I grasp the handle to my room and quickly enter. My bed is empty. My heart begins to beat quickly as I glance around my room, searching for signs of a struggle. Nothing is misplaced or out of order. I hear my door open behind and turn to find Skye, a bottle of water in her hand.

I quickly pull her into my arms as I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Everything okay Trager" she mumbled into my chest as she gently pushes me away.

"Everything's fine doll, just a little antsy is all" I reply letting her go as I remembered we're not an item any more, and that we both have scars that are still healing.

She standing an arms length away, still sporting that Motley Crue hoodie and my a pair of my boxers.

"Some stuff came in with The Guardians, they attached one of our businesses last night. They are trying to patch over into the Mayans. So I need you to lay low for a while. Is there anything I can get you to make you comfortable? Anything you need?"

She shrugs her shoulders and looks around the room.

"Maybe something to read wouldn't be such a bad idea, there's not really much for me to do here ya know"?

She shuffles her feet, looking back toward the bed. I know she's still exhausted. Hell I wouldn't mind joining her, but I have things that have to be done.

"Go on back to bed doll, we can figure all this out later okay"?

She nods and heads back to the bed. I'm covering her up, making sure she's safe and warm.

"I promise doll, we got this".


Hello everyone! Sorry it's taken a little while for an update, we're in the process of closing on our house so things have been slightly hectic. I promise I'll update as soon as we are moved in. Thanks so much for your support of my little writing habit!

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