Chapter 3

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Tig walks out the door, leaving me standing in the dorm with one of his shirts and a pair of boxers. The shirt is thin from wear, and of course, he's still rocking the plaid boxers. I'm starting to get a headache from my eye. Hopefully, a hot shower will help relieve some of the pressure in my head. Walking to the bathroom, I turn the water on as hot as it will go before taking my disgusting clothes off.

The water burns my skin but I enjoy the feeling. It's washing away all the dirt and grime that followed me from Arizona. I reach for Tigs body wash. The smell of Old Spice fills the shower. As weird as it sounds I've never forgotten how that body wash smells.

I stay in the shower until the water runs cold. Quickly getting out I put on Tigs old shirt and boxers. Walking into the bedroom I can hear the sound of Music and crow eaters in the clubhouse.

Glancing at the freshly made bed I head to the couch. Throwing the discarded sheet over the sticky black material, I grab Tigs comforter and lay down.

Sunlight is burning through the window, and temporarily blinding me. I quickly roll over and realize I'm not on the couch where I fell asleep. Instead, I'm laying in Tigs bed. Glancing at the couch I see Tigs curly hair peeking out from underneath the blanket. I rub the bridge of my nose before getting out of bed and walking to the couch. My hands are on my hips as I stand over him. I know his stubborn ass is awake. His breathing changed the moment my feet hit the floor.

"Alex, why am I in your bed and not on that damn couch?"

Tig sits up and looks around the room.

"I have no clue doll. I went to sleep on the bed and woke up here"

A half grin is spreading is covering his face as he stands up, stretching and popping his jaw. I think he's grown even taller since the last time I saw him. I barely come up to his chest.

"Trager, I told you I was fine on the couch"!

"And I told you that it wasn't going to happen. One of these days you'll learn just to do things my way, Skye."

"Yeah, I seriously doubt that." I cross my arms over my chest.

Tig heads to his dresser, grabs a pair of socks and a hoodie before making his way over to me. He handed me the hoodie and sat down on the bed, putting on his boots.

I look at the hoodie and a wave of nostalgia washes over me. It's the hoodie from our first Motley Crue concert together.

"I can't believe you kept this all these years"

"Well of course I did, it's fucking Motley Crue" he laughs as I pull the hoodie over my head.

"Look doll, I gotta do some things with the boys today, do you need anything while I'm out?"

"I'm fine Alex, I doubt I'm going to be here for any length of time anyway. I know you don't want me here."

"I never said th..."

"You didn't have to Alex. You made me leave three years ago and I doubt you've fallen back in love with me in the past fifteen hours I get it. As soon as all this mess with The Guardians is over I'll be out of your hair."

Before he can say another word I make my way to the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I refuse to cry in front of the man who shattered my heart. I made a promise years ago that he would never make me cry again.

I wait until I hear Tig leave the room before I peek my head out. There's a pair of black leggings and a flannel shirt on the bed. Guess he found some crow eater my size and bummed some clothes. Fuck it, I was in no position to be ungrateful. Getting dressed I head out into the clubhouse.

The cabinets in the kitchen are entirely bare, and the counters are disgusting. We were not even going to discuss the state the floors were in. I knew Gemma and Tara were gone more than they were at the clubhouse but these crow eaters who were running around here clearly didn't have role models growing up. Taking a deep breath I do what I always do when I am stressed. I clean.

I'm organizing the random crap under the kitchen sink when I feel someone come up behind me. I quickly jump to my feet, not liking the way I'm being watched. I let out a sigh of relief when I see Chibs standing in the doorway, his hands up in the air in surrender.

"Easy lass, didn't mean to scare ye. Just seeing where the familiar stink of our kitchen went." he laughed looking around the now pristine kitchen.

"You know me Chibby, I can't stand a dirty clubhouse, and no offense but this place has kind of gone to the crows since I left."

"Aint no lying there, love. Maybe ye can whip them into shape while you're here."

"I don't think I have that much time Filip. As soon as this shit with The Guardians is over I'm out. Alex doesn't want me here and I don't think I can handle being around him. It still fucking hurts Filip."

"Shh come here love" Chibs coaxes me and soon I find myself hugging one of my best friends. I can feel his hands patting my head as if I'm a child.

"Ye know as well as I do that the man still loves you."

"I don't think so Chibby. If he really loved me so much he wouldn't have been with anything and everything with a pussy these past three years."

"I don't know what to tell ye there love. You know he's a complicated man."

I hear Chibs words but I don't let them sink in. Instead, I detach myself from his hold.

"I need to get back to cleaning Chibs."

He looks down at me and gives me a sad nod as he grabs one of the last few beers from the fridge and walks out of the kitchen. 

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