Chapter 1: Eddie Spaggethi

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Two weeks after Pennywise had gone

Richies POV

"Ed's!" I called out to Eddie who wasn't to far in the distance. He turned back around, in response to hearing his own name. I smiled and waved him over. Eddie rolled his eyes and walked towards me.

"Hey Richie!" Eddie said in a bit of an annoyed voice. "Sup Eddie Spaghetti!" I used that name to taunt him because I knew he always got annoyed by it. "How many times to I have to tell you?! Don't call me that!" I loved it when Eddie got mad. He always got the cutest look on his face.

I laughed. "I am only joking with you! Don't be mad." I patted Eddie on the head, he quickly pushed it off and walked away. I ran after him.

"Hey Ed's, I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place after school. Maybe we could watch a scary movie or something." I said, knowing Eddie hated scary movies. "Hell no! After what just happened the last thing I want to do is watch a scared movie!"

Eddie pulled his inhaler out of his pocket, remembering Pennywise the clown. I wrapped my arm around him, trying to calm him down.

"Sorry Eddie, I forgot." No I hadn't. "You forgot?! How could you forget something like that?!" Eddie started to panic again.

"Calm down! He's gone now Ed's! Remember?" I hadn't fully believed this myself. Still having dreams of Pennywise coming back every night.

The bell started going off.

"Bye Ed's" I hugged him, still feeling bad for bringing back the horrible memory.

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