34 | Livia's Watch pt.1

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I've gone back and edited the first four chapters to clear some things up for the rest of the story:) the rest will be done another time. There's also a part in this chapter which I'm hoping will contribute to the rest of the story xx

Lila was standing making a sandwich in the kitchen when Kit walked in, his blond hair messy and in serious need of combing. He grabbed the cookie box from the fridge and sat on the other side of the table to Lila.

"Dru is going to help us convince Ty not to do the spell to bring Livvy back," Kit said suddenly.

Lila paused. "Ty didn't tell you?" She tucked her dark hair behind her ears and looked up at Kit.

"What?" Kit asked, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Maybe he'd thought Ty had dropped the idea of bringing Livvy back.

"I'm not helping either of you bring Livvy back." Kit looked at her in shock. "I thought he would've told you. I don't think it's a good idea to bring Livvy back. We should leave her wherever she is."

"We can't just abandon Ty—"

"I'm not abandoning him," Lila snapped almost harshly, dropping the butter knife back onto the table. She almost glared at him. "I'd never do that. I'm just not helping to bring my sister back from the dead. It's not fair on her."

"Well, I can't leave Ty to do the spell on his own."

"Then don't. It's your choice to bring Livvy back."

Lila couldn't help but notice the way Kit hung around by the door for a second, as if he wanted to say something else but thought better of it. He simply knocked on the wood awkwardly with his knuckles before he turned and walked down the hallway.

And she also couldn't help but notice how she'd wanted him to stay and talk.


Instead of sitting in her bedroom and watching movies, Lila took her earphones from the drawer beside her bed berore she went up to the training room.

She knew Kit, Ty and Dru had gone down to the beach to talk to Shade, and she couldn't help but feel left out.

But she knew it was her own fault for feeling left out, so she didn't dwell on it.

She partially panicked that Ty would fallout with her over not doing the spell, but he'd been normal with her all day; she hoped it wouldn't change. But he did seem to be getting annoyed quicker, and when she'd gone to his room she more often than not found it a mess. She'd tidied it quickly, and though Ty knew it was her, he didn't say anything to her. He'd grown skinnier and Lila wished he wouldn't. He seemed to need Livvy more than she did—Livvy had always been better at helping Ty with everything. She'd always been included in everything, she just didn't feel as close to Ty as she knew Livvy was, and she knew Ty felt the same, though they were close, and loved each other more than anything.

She unlocked the cupboard which holding her swords and daggers when she got to the training room. She'd locked them away for as long as she could remember, mainly just so they didn't go missing. When she looked at how many daggers were left she noticed there were only five instead of six. She knew Kit had one and made a mental note to ask him about it later on. She grabbed three of the daggers, all which held the exact same inscription of her name on the hilts, and threw them in the direction of the board on the wall, letting pent-up anger go.

She took to beating up a punching bag after that until her knuckles bled. And she didn't bother to heal herself.


Lila had wondered down to breakfast the next morning in sweatshorts and a sweater to discover that there was a crate of weapons in the kitchen and dozens of fold-up chairs had been set out. Clary and Jace were there too, while her siblings all sat at the table. Mark, Kieran and Cristina sat together, with Kieran showing Tavvy and Dru the joys of eating strawberries and maple syrup.

"Tavvy, one pancake at a time—yes I know you can fit three pancakes in your mouth, but that doesn't mean you should," Helen was saying, smiling over her coffee cup at Tavvy.

Lila sat down beside Dru, who had shuffled up the bench to let Lila sit down.

"You're still in your pyjamas?" Dru said with a smile, handing Lila a plate of pancakes.

Lila nodded with a smile in return, taking the plate from Dru. "Yeah, we know all these people, so it's fine."

"You made pancakes?" Came Emma's voice then. She was speaking to Julian. "What brought this on?"

"Sometimes when you start a war, you want to make pancakes," he replied.

Lila paused eating her pancake and looked from Dru to their older brother. "Jules, are you feeling okay?"

"What did you say, Julian?" Jace asked, having choked on his toast.

Julian looked up at the clock on the wall and calmly flicked the gas burner off. "They should be getting here any moment."

"They should what?" Diana asked, putting her fork down on the table. "Julian what are you talking about?"

Tavvy was standing on a wobbly chair by the window, his face pressed against the glass. He made an excited squeaking nose. "Who are all the people coming up the road, Jules?"

Lila jumped from her seat at the same time Kit and Ty did. She rushed over to the window, standing beside Tavvy.

"I think they're faeries—" Ty said. "And I can see—"

"Are they werewolves?" Lila asked.

"Those black cars have to be vampires," Ty continued.

"And Shadowhunters," said Kit. "So many Shadowhunters—"

"The Sanctuary's almost ready," Julian said, throwing a tea towel down. "Unless someone else wants to do it, I'll go meet our guests."

"I'm going to get changed," Lila said to Ty, rushing away from the window and up the stairs to her bedroom.

The hallways were quiet as she quickly walked toward the Sanctuary, her boots hitting the tiled floors loudly as she crossed the entryway.

She spotted everyone entering the Sanctuary and quickly found a familiar face: Catarina Loss. She caught up to Catarina with a small 'hey' and a smile and once through the doors, Lila walked quickly away from the crowd and over to Kit and Ty.

She glanced around the room, seeing many Shadowhunters and Downworlders, and Julian leaning against a table in front of a rolled-up banner on the all behind him. Magnus and Alec had arrived with their kids and Maryse Lightwood, and were heading over to the door to greet others.

"I think we should go sit down before all the seats are taken," Lila voiced suddenly, turning back around to face Kit and Ty. She discovered Tavvy and Dru had joined them.

They all headed over to the left side of the room. Lila sat on the end seat, then Ty, then Kit. Dru and Tavvy sat beside them with Dru looking curiously over to the entrance of the Sanctuary.

It was Cameron Ashdown standing there. Emma ran over to him and caught his hands in hers. They were speaking, but because of all the noise in the room, their words went unheard to the group of Blackthorns and a Herondale.

"Hang on," Lila said to Ty. "I'm just going to speak to Catarina Loss."

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